Pentecost Congress: We are reaching the end…
The Pentecost Congress brings together representatives from 28 countries.
The Schoenstatt Movement has more than 20 organized communities that bring together priests, consecrated persons, laity, youth, and different types of vocations. This page is dedicated to sharing the life of these communities. We bring news from the Schoenstatt Leagues, Federations, and Institutes worldwide.
The Pentecost Congress brings together representatives from 28 countries.
Mary prepares the atmosphere to welcome the Holy Spirit.
He is not in college yet. He is a few months away and is not sure whether to opt for Biomedicine or Aerospace Engineering. But this young American with Argentinian roots knows what he needs from the Catholic Church. Like many other young Hispanics, he is emphatic: “We need the Church to listen to us, we need to feel that it cares about us.
National representatives of the diaconate in Brazil visited Santa Maria to learn about the life and work of Deacon John Pozzobon. Deacon Flávio Antônio commented: ” Deeply moved, I can say: Thank you Mother Thrice Admirable Queen of Schoenstatt, thank you my brother in Christ, Deacon John Luiz Pozzobon”.
After two years of break caused by COVID 19 pandemic, we have encouraged ourselves to propose a restart in 2022 of an activity that has already been attended by 58 couples from the Schoenstatt Family Work, coming from various places in the world.
When the values of the Covenant of Love are transmitted to the children and a transparent and committed life is witnessed, the children become the recipients of these values. They will not always follow in their parents’ footsteps, but those values remain. Here is the case of a Schoenstatt family in Brazil.
The delegates of the Schoenstatt Movement in Germany met for an annual conference to establish the pedagogical guidelines for the year running from October 2022 to October 2023. They determined the central value for this year.
As of December 2021, he has assumed the position of Provincial Superior of the Province of Pentecost, which includes Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, USA, Portugal, and Spain.
The Secretariat to promote the Cause of Beatification of John Louis Pozzobon was launched in Costa Rica. Its purpose is to make the figure of John Pozzobon known in wide circles as an example of holiness and apostolate.
The Apostolic Women’s Federation, a community of consecrated laywomen of the Schoenstatt Movement, held its General Chapter, in which its new leadership was selected, as well as the criteria for the agenda for the next five years.
At the beginning of the year, Schoenstatt Brazil gives the whole family a new vocation with the consecration of Father Gabriel, who is at the service of the Church and Schoenstatt. Father Gabriel Oberle was ordained priest in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Londrina, Paraná, on January 1, 2022.
Christmas, the time when our redeemer Jesus Christ is born and He brings to humanity, to each one of us His Light.
A Place, a Movement, a Way of Life, a Mission