
Schoenstatt has a wide range of activities carried out by and with families. On this page, you can learn more about these activities carried out worldwide. In particular, the projects are organized by the three communities of the Family Work: the League, the Federation, and the Family Institute. In addition, other projects are carried out by members of the Schoenstatt Work, such as the Pilgrim Mother Apostolate.

Together we are stronger: second Couples’ Café in Italy

Couples in Italy participated in the second Couples’ Coffee organized by the Schoenstatt Movement, in which the importance of stable personal bonds and the deepening on the value of the other for one’s personal growth was emphasized. The motto of the day was “Together we are stronger”.

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Preparation for marriage – a joint project of the Family Movement in Germany

Schoenstatt advisors and leaders of the marriage preparation ministry in Germany met for a few days of discussions to evaluate what they are doing to prepare couples for the sacrament of marriage and to discern ways of working together. The meeting took place in Hillscheid, in the large Josef Kentenich Hof, headquarters of the Schoenstatt Family Federation, located a few kilometers from the Original Shrine.

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Invitation: Renew your Home Shrine

The Family Institute is offering a special opportunity for all those who have established a Home Shrine and also for those who are preparing their blessing. On November 18th there will be an online event to “renew your Home Shrine”.

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