Adoration in the Original Shrine
We invite you to join us for virtual adoration hours
The visit to the Blessed Sacrament is a great treasure of the Catholic faith. It nourishes social love and gives us opportunities for adoration and thanksgiving, for reparation and supplication. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Hours, and Eucharistic processions are likewise precious element of your heritage – in full accord with the teaching of the Second Vatican Council.
Saint Pope John Paul II
Adoration in the
Original Shrine
Every Friday, a vigil and adoration occur in the Original Schoenstatt Shrine. People from all over the world take turns to participate. And you, too, can be part of this moment from anywhere in the world. Just choose a Friday and schedule your time. Follow the information below.

When does adoration take place?
It takes place weekly, every Friday. German time starts at 8 p.m. and ends at 7 a.m. the following day.
*If you live outside Germany, compare the time zone to find the exact time in your region.
Who can participate?
All people around the world are invited to join in this prayer chain. No matter where you are.
How to participate?
In Person
Those who are in Schoenstatt can register and participate physically, using this form:
Sign up using the form below. Virtual (online) adoration takes place via the webcam of the Original Shrine

If we now ask ourselves what holiness is, we will say: it is the simple response of the child to the love of the Father, our response to the solicitous call of the Divine Friend. Holiness is not dead knowledge, but life and life immersed in the Most Holy Trinity. This pulsating life, the Christian constantly proves it through silent acts of adoration, of contrite, tender and magnanimous love, and also through the imitation of Christ. Love impels us not only to union, but also to harmony and likeness with the person we love.
in the Original Shrine
24 hour - Adoration
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Let’s look not only at the history of the family, but also at the history of the Church. There we find communities that have made the contemplative life their permanent goal, the constant content of their life. And this contemplative life has its counterpart in the active life. The union of the two constitutes the apostolic lifestyle.
To which stream of life do we as a whole belong? Here’s the answer: to the stream of the apostolic lifestyle, which is a union of contemplative and active life. To be more precise, those who are dedicated to intense apostolic activity, because of the current to which they have offered their love and their name, also try to cultivate the contemplative life, striving for the stability of its roots, for the solidity of the ground of external action.
This means: to strive for a union and communion of love with Eternal Love, a union that they cultivate and will continue to cultivate. And vice versa: Those who cultivate the contemplative life, at least the outer circle, who therefore do not dedicate themselves to adoration full time, this group can also dedicate themselves to the apostolate. So you see how these two streams flow together. Both are important, both are necessary, and both come together in the apostolic lifestyle. Each has something to say and to offer to the other. In time, neither can survive healthily without the other. The Dominicans emphasize what I mean in their motto: Contemplata aliis tradere! (Give to others what you have contemplated).
The riches acquired in deep contemplation and in the profound cultivation of the interior life must be made fully available to others through apostolic action.
J. Kentenich
Conference on the occasion of the incorporation of the Sisters of Mary into the Adoration circle, Schoenstatt 20.1.1946