
Discover our family communities

Our communities

The Schoenstatt Family Work is made up of three communities

Family League​

Family Federation

Family Institute


Each community has an ideal and a mission

The Schoenstatt Family Work was founded by Father Joseph Kentenich on July 16, 1942. It came into being in the Dachau concentration camp with the consecration of Dr. Friedrich Kühr as a novice of the Schoenstatt Family Institute. This act was carried out clandestinely in the prison, in block 14, room 3.

Over time, the Family Work became more structured and took on its own characteristics. From this bold start, three communities of Families emerged: the League, the Federation and the Institute.


Every couple wants to be a new image of the Holy Family for the world. However, each community has gained its own autonomy and identity.

Our Work

Schoenstatt has a place for everyone

In addition to families, the Schoenstatt Movement has communities for men, women and priests. Find out more about our branches by clicking below: