Tenth World Meeting of Families: Marriage is both difficult and precious.
One of the lectures was given by Eduardo de la Paz and Mónica González, from Spain, on the topic “Accompaniment in the first years of marriage”.
Schoenstatt has a wide range of activities carried out by and with families. On this page, you can learn more about these activities carried out worldwide. In particular, the projects are organized by the three communities of the Family Work: the League, the Federation, and the Family Institute. In addition, other projects are carried out by members of the Schoenstatt Work, such as the Pilgrim Mother Apostolate.
One of the lectures was given by Eduardo de la Paz and Mónica González, from Spain, on the topic “Accompaniment in the first years of marriage”.
Opening the keynote addresses during the World Meeting of Families, Gregory and Lisa Popcak discuss a framework which allows families to find God in all they do, thus bringing his joy into daily family life.
At the Festival of Families opening the World Meeting of Families, Pope Francis invites families to take a “step forward” in order to “change the world and make it a home for all those who need to feel welcomed and accepted.”
We pray for Christian families around the world; may they embody and experience unconditional love and advance in holiness in their daily lives.
Pope Francis meets with participants in an International Conference on Moral Theology, and urges theologians to help turn the experience of family life and joy into an opportunity to enrich their field of study and the wider Church.
The Schoenstatt Family in the diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Germany, is organizing the World Meeting of Families locally, as suggested by the Pope. An inspiration for all of us to participate in our parishes, dioceses, or Schoenstatt centers, taking advantage of this special moment of grace for families. From June 22nd to the 26th, from Rome, and all over the world.
The Secretariat to promote the Cause of Beatification of John Louis Pozzobon was launched in Costa Rica. Its purpose is to make the figure of John Pozzobon known in wide circles as an example of holiness and apostolate.
Pope Francis grants an interview to Vatican Media on being parents during the Covid-19 pandemic and the witness of Saint Joseph, calling him an example of strength and tenderness for today’s fathers.
This video refers to chapter nine of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia: “Conjugal and family spirituality”.
They had to come up with a project in school in which they would conceive a plan to help others even though they did not have to implement it. Lucas ended up gathering 1500 pounds of food.
A Place, a Movement, a Way of Life, a Mission