Covenant Day: Let us live attracting everyone to God
Today, with the entire International Schoenstatt Family, we renew our Covenant of Love with our Mother and Queen. We remain united in one heart.
On this page you’ll find articles and news on topics that deepen the spiritual life and help you grow inwardly. We cover topics such as self-education, formation of the new person, pedagogy, and much more.
Today, with the entire International Schoenstatt Family, we renew our Covenant of Love with our Mother and Queen. We remain united in one heart.
This week I actually had someone say to me, “Wait, the Unity Cross came from Schoenstatt?” Yes, it has come, and it has a lot to teach us with its current message
Mary as Queen marks for us a style of queenship different from what we humanly conceive. Her reign is unconditional love, ready service, surrender, and donation.
On August 18 we renew our Covenant of Love with World Youth Day in mind – It’s time to share love!
Today we celebrate the Assumption of Mary into heaven; body, and soul. This could be the happy ending to her life story, but it is the beginning of a new mission, in which we are also important characters.
July 18: as Fr. Kentenich, we are invited to contemplate reality by seeking the signs of God in our daily lives
What do you do when difficulties arise in your life? With Father Kentenich we learn to transform challenges into new opportunities.
150 Schoenstatt youth collaborate as part of the WYD organization. The Lisbon Sanctuary will receive many pilgrims on the occasion of these celebrations
Testimony of Father Clemente Maria Hernandez from the Dominican Republic
The wayside shrine of the Blessed Mother of Schoenstatt is being built as a focal point for the circles of the Pilgrim Mother Apostolate. Father Joachim Mugalu speaks enthusiastically about it.
Within the framework of an exhibition of religious orders and Church communities, called Monastery Market, the Sisters of Mary from Quarten, Switzerland, introduced themselves at the Zurich Central Station displaying the spirit of Schoenstatt and of the Church on the go, sharing their experiences in a spirit of unity.
The 18th of each month gives us the opportunity to renew the Covenant of Love that we sealed with Mary in the Shrine. We thus receive renewed graces and are sent out on a quest to conquer hearts.
A Place, a Movement, a Way of Life, a Mission