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Apostolic Movement

Original Shrine

The Original Shrine is the cradle of the entire International Schoenstatt Work. It was here that the first Covenant of Love was sealed on October 18, 1914. Over the years, it has become the source of many graces that unite the whole world in a chain of Shrines. The Original Shrine is a place where many languages are spoken, and everyone understands each other as a family in a place of welcome, transformation, and fruitful mission.

On this page, you will find news about life around the Original Shrine. Learn about activities, projects, and much more.

gift to the world

Your shrine – a gift to the world!

Ten years ago, we were preparing to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our founding as a Schoenstatt Family. On October 18, 2014, we wanted to go on pilgrimage to Schoenstatt to celebrate and renew the Covenant of Love that Father Kentenich and the first sodalists had sealed in the Shrine.

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Interview with Father Heinrich Walter and Sister M. Cacilda: “The first stone of a great project”

Sister M. Cacilda Becker and Father Henrich Walter were interviewed by Sister. M. Nilza to gather their experiences and ideas about the seven years in which they fulfilled the task of being the first International Coordinators of the Schoenstatt Movement. Since Schoenstatt is a federative movement, their mission has been to exercise the office they assumed: coordinators, at the service of Schoenstatt’s life in the different countries of the world. Father Walter now ceases this responsibility and goes to Austria, while Sister M. Cacilda remains for a period of three additional years. Father Arkadiusz Sosna from Poland, a member of the General Council of the Schoenstatt Fathers, will take over for the Schoenstatt Fathers.

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New responsibles of the International Schoenstatt Coordination

The General Presidency of the Schoenstatt Movement extended the General Statutes of the Movement for another three years and announced the evaluation and revision by the Movement’s International Coordination. In addition, Fr Arkadiusz Sosna and Sr M. Cacilda Becker were appointed as international coordinators.

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nuevo rector

Fr. Ignacio Camacho, new rector of the Original Shrine

Father Ignacio Camacho, a Chilean from the Secular Institute of the Schoenstatt Fathers, was appointed to this task by the Bishop of the Diocese of Trier, Monsignor Stephan Ackermann. He will be responsible for the pastoral and administrative life of Schoenstatt’s international center, its Original Shrine, for the next three years.

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Fr. Kentenich

What is happening with Fr. Kentenich 54 years after his departure

Fr. Eduardo Aguirre, postulator of the cause for the canonization of Fr. Joseph Kentenich, founder of the Schoenstatt Movement, celebrated a Mass on September 15 in the Original Shrine of Schoenstatt, in Germany, where the movement was founded in 1914. The celebration took place 54 years after the death of the founder. The date coincided with the liturgical celebration of Our Lady of Sorrows.

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