October 18th: Mary’s first promise to the Schoenstatt Family

Karen Bueno

Renewal of the covenant of love (5pm – Germany time)

Seeing that door open makes the heart beat faster and fills it with joy. The expectation is born of certainty: I will go in there and meet someone very special.

Whoever seals the Covenant of Love with Mary participates in her promises and expectations. These are the gifts that Mary offers and what she asks of each person in return. On this October 18th we want to remember the first gift that the Covenant of Love gives us, Mary’s presence in the Shrine: “It will please me to dwell in your midst“.

Imagine that, although you live in a simple and small house, you extend a special invitation to a king, a queen, or some great authority to visit you. Surprising as it may seem, this person accepts the invitation and, furthermore, stays to live with you. That is more or less what happened on October 18, 1914, with the difference that this Queen was more important than any authority on earth, she was sent by God Himself

It will please me to dwell in your midst


At the founding of Schoenstatt, the Mother Thrice Admirable makes herself small to encounter her young children, and it is precisely in this gesture that she reveals her greatness. She accepts the invitation and transforms the Shrine into a home.

“It will please me to dwell in your midst”. There is no doubt that this promise has been fulfilled: ailments are healed, vices are overcome, babies are born, projects work…. There are countless testimonies that demonstrate the presence of Our Lady in the Shrine. But even if no one says anything, you just have to step inside to experience it.

“Our Mother and Queen is present in the Shrine because in heaven she intercedes before God on behalf of all those who seek to have an encounter with her and surrender themselves to her in this place, motivated by the faith that God has decided to grant special graces to those who ask Mary for them. These graces that are given in the Shrine – like all Christian graces – are graces of encounter with Christ, but through the encounter with the person of Mary”, writes Father Hernán Alessandri. [1]

Every time the Covenant is renewed, or when a person seals his or her Covenant of Love, the promise resonates anew: “It will please me to dwell in your midst“.

Her eyes are continually searching for us

18 de octubre

It is interesting to note the expression “will please me”. Mary is happy to be with us, she desires to be with her children, as Father Joseph Kentenich once said:

“I can easily imagine how the Blessed Mother looks at us from heaven or here in the Shrine. Her eyes are continually searching for us. She wants to know where her son or daughter is, where they are working, if they are in danger, if the son and daughter are among thousands of people. Mary’s eyes do not rest until they find her son, her daughter.”[2]

This real presence in the shrine brings great joy, but also the commitment to meet the requirements as a response of love. And even more so if we take into account the whole network of shrines: Home, Parish, Heart – “I will dwell in your midst” is valid for each of them. How can we express all the joy and gratitude for this presence? Each one can find his own answer on this Covenant of Love Day and add it to the capital of grace.



Renewal of the Covenant of love (5pm – Germany time)

Photo: Sr. M. Nilza Pereira da Silva

[1] What is the significance of the Schoenstatt Shrine?

Father Hernán Alessandri Morandé. 2nd edition. Publisher: Pallotti

[2] Father Joseph Kentenich. On Monday Evenings, vol. 3, p. 116.

Source: Schoenstatt Brasil


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