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Apostolic Movement

Pope Francis

This page is dedicated to topics related to Pope Francis. We report on the Pope’s requests, intentions, and the most important issues surrounding the reality of the Holy Father. Schoenstatt remains connected to the Vatican and lives its love for the Church in fidelity to the Pope.

pontificado do papa

10 years of Pope Francis’ papacy

A period marked by bold statements such as “culture of encounter”, “tenderness revolution”, “synodality”, “Church on the move” and many other terms, which have been translated, much more than in words, into tangible attitudes.

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FEBRUARY | For parishes

We pray that parishes, placing communion at the centre, may increasingly become communities of faith, fraternity and welcome towards those most in need.

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JANUARY | For educators

We pray that educators may be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity rather than confrontation and helping the youngest and most vulnerable above all.

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guerras y el hambre

‘The Lord’s birth is the birth of peace’

In his traditional Christmas Day message, Pope Francis underscores how Jesus’ birth shows us the way to peace in our lives and our world, and encourages us to contemplate the face of the Child Jesus and be deeply moved by God’s love, so that peace may be born in our hearts and shared with all.

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