Heroes of Schoenstatt

Some people’s lives become remarkable and significant when they leave a message of commitment and love for the mission. This is the case of the people we call “Schoenstatt Heroes.” They are personalities who inspire new generations to follow Christ, living in Covenant with Mary. Some of these personalities are recognized by the Church and bear titles such as “Blessed,” “Venerable,” or “Servant of God.” Others are popularly known within the Schoenstatt Work, internally, and all have the same characteristic: fidelity and enthusiasm in the life of the Covenant of Love. You will find articles about Schoenstatt heroes and news about their beatification processes on this page. But more than that, this page wants to be an inspiration for the emergence of new heroes worldwide.

An intimate portrait of John Pozzobon: His daughter reveals what he was like as a father and husband

Getting to know a person intimately reveals a world of profound experiences. This is true of the account given by one of deacon John Pozzobon’s daughters, who reveals secrets about her relationship with her father and mother and how he interacted with his family. Known for having launched the Schoenstatt Pilgrim Mother Apostolate, he left an immense legacy of testimonies in his personal, professional, and social life. Today we will learn some more about the family life of this simple man who made his mark on the history of Schoenstatt.

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João Pozzobon and praying the Rosary

Slowly and organically, the servant of God João Luis Pozzobon kept increasing his daily prayers. He eventually prayed 15 rosaries a day. He did this while walking with the Pilgrim Mother and also while doing his household chores. For example, he would put marks on the handle of his hoe to pray while weeding. According to him, when you love someone very much, you usually repeat their name. And John tried to say it as many times as he could: Ave Maria….

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a cruz

A transfigured and glorious life must first experience the cross

Meditations on the value of the cross for a Christian. Father Kentenich said: “We must have the most heartfelt certainty that God has drawn up a plan, not only a plan for the world, but also a plan for my personal life. Who has conceived this plan? Not only God’s wisdom and omnipotence, but also his love.”

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casa onde

The house where Joseph Engling was born recreates history for visitors

Father Kentenich said of Joseph Engling that he was the living Founding Document of Schoenstatt. He lived the Covenant of Love with Mary with heroism. The house where he was born and his school, located in Prosity, Poland, are historical places that we can visit and where one can even stay. A new edition of “Joseph Engling Info-Brief” is being published.

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