The Schoenstatt Family of Chile has decided to launch a grand convocation to invite all the Schoenstatters of the world to go on pilgrimage to the Shrine of Bellavista next year, to celebrate the Jubilee of the 75th Anniversary of the mission of the 31st of May.
2024 will be the 75th anniversary of the 3rd milestone in the history of our Movement. On May 31, 1949, imploring the graces of Pentecost, Father Kentenich entrusted to the Blessed Mother “the mission of Schoenstatt”, the desire that our charism could be opened to the Church with all its richness, offering everyone the Covenant of Love with Mary, which helps us to vitally unite the natural with the supernatural in daily life.
In gratitude for all the life and the missionary current that has emerged since that moment in the history of Schoenstatt, the Family of Chile invites everyone to a great international celebration on May 31st, June 1st and 2nd, 2024, open to all the pilgrims of Chile and the world, so that they can be part of this jubilee celebration.

The symbol will be the Unity Cross
The Jubilee already has an image as logo: the Unity Cross. It symbolizes Schoenstatt’s mission, which is the mission of attachments, the union of Christ with Mary in the natural and the supernatural.
In the Jubilee logo the cross bears the colors of fire, because of the Cenacle that opens to the world. In the center is the Shrine, the flame of the Holy Spirit and the chalice that is held by Mary, who receives all our contributions to the capital of grace.
The Unity Cross, traditional symbol of the Shrine of Bellavista, was stolen a few months ago and it is intended to be enthroned again next year in the Jubilee celebration.
“Let’s go in one another”
The Jubilee also has a motto: “Let’s go in one another”.
On May 31, 1949, in his talk at the Shrine in Bellavista, Father Kentenich spoke of us being a Family and belonging to each other, now and in eternity. He told us: “The Blessed Mother has given us the gift of one another. We want to remain reciprocally faithful: one in the other, with the other, for the other, in the heart of God”.
This is also part of our mission, that is why the Jubilee motto wants to encourage us to walk together in the same direction.
More information coming soon
The website with more information about the Jubilee and new information will be launched later on. Stay tuned to the social networks of Schoenstatt Chile and participate!
– Download here: Letter of convocation for the Jubilee PDF