Annual Posada: Culture and Tradition at the San Antonio Shrine – USA
The Advent season is marked by special activities on Mount Schoenstatt, where the San Antonio Shrine is located in Texas, USA
A small group of Sisters of Mary and a vast continent to be explored: this is how the history of the Schoenstatt Movement in the Americas began. On June 10, 1935, the first 12 Sisters, sent by the Founder, Father Joseph Kentenich, landed in Brazil, bringing with them an immense world to introduce to the new continent.
The Advent season is marked by special activities on Mount Schoenstatt, where the San Antonio Shrine is located in Texas, USA
During an earthquake in El Salvador, the serene reaction of Father Edwin Enriquez attracted attention: what can we learn from this reaction?
Fourth Annual Conference of the Schoenstatt Men’s Federation of Argentina: An encounter to strengthen faith and fraternity.
The reconstruction process of the Bellavista Shrine in Chile incorporated practical measures to be environmentally conscious.
The Blessed Mother was crowned as “Queen of Commitment to the Family and the Mission” at the shrine in Curicó, Chile.
Today, we celebrate the patroness of the American continent, Our Lady of Guadalupe. Her message of hope motivates us to be pilgrims.
Mass marks the 50th Anniversary of the Presence of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in the Dominican Republic
The Schoenstatt Girls’ Youth of Mexico held their national meeting in Monterrey, gathering about 200 girls.
The Schoenstatt Shrine in Austin, Texas, in the United States, celebrated its 10th anniversary with an exciting party
A joyous occasion for the Mothers’ Federation: the community is officially founded in Costa Rica – the first Ladies’ Course has been formed.
The Schoenstatt Family in Winnipeg conquered the crown and presented it to the Blessed Mother, thus making her Queen of their lives.
The Schoenstatt Movement of Ecuador held its National Leaders’ Conference 2024 at the National Shrine.
A Place, a Movement, a Way of Life, a Mission