Every year, Schoenstatt men visit the prison where Franz Reinisch was executed

Reinischnacht in Kirchmöser

The only priest who refused to swear allegiance to Adolf Hitler was a Pallottine and Schoenstatt priest: Franz Reinisch. He was executed for his fidelity to his conscience in the early morning of August 21, 1942. Since 1962, Schoenstatt men have gathered on the night of Franz Reinisch’s death near the place of his execution to retrace his life’s testimony.

Franz Reinisch – A Martyr of Our Time


This year (2022) we remember the anniversary of the death of Franz Reinisch 80 years ago. He was the only Catholic priest who refused to take the oath of loyalty to Hitler and was beheaded for this reason on August 21, 1942, in the Brandenburg-Görden penitentiary.