With tremendous joy, the Schoenstatt Family of San Juan, Argentina, has received the Apostolic Blessing from Pope Francis, conveyed by the Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Miroslav Adamczyk. The message was presented on Wednesday, August 21, through the San Juan advisor, Fr. Jonatan Felix.
“The Holy Father is spiritually united to all the faithful who participate in the blessing of the Shrine in honor of Our Lady Thrice Admirable in the Archdiocese of San Juan de Cuyo…,” reads the text with the blessing.

A new Shrine is emerging
The Pope’s blessing was sent within the framework of the conquest of the new Schoenstatt daughter Shrine in San Juan. The inauguration ceremony will take place soon, on September 15, 2024.
For more information click here: The countdown is so exciting! Soon we will have a new shrine

The motto that unites the Schoenstatt Family in this conquest is the phrase: Shrine of Mary, miracle of Your Providence. Everyone is invited to join this moment of grace, either in person or spiritually.
Translation: Maribel Acaron