Here is some important information for all pilgrims who wish to visit the Schoenstatt Shrines in Rome during the Holy Year 2025.
– More information about pilgrimages to Rome

Cor Ecclesiae Shrine
Guidelines of the Sisters of Mary for pilgrimages to the Cor Ecclesiae Shrine in the Holy Year 2025:
To all tour group leaders
1 – Please make a reservation at
We ask for the following information:
a. Responsible person: name, email, and mobile phone
b. Group: Country and number of pilgrims
c. Date, time
d. Planned stay in the Shrine with details of your wishes: Holy Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and prayer in common. – Please make your arrangements for a celebrant.
e. For catering:
We can provide you with contact details of pizzerias or catering companies where you can order food for your group.
Please also bring the necessary crockery and cutlery. If you wish to drink anything other than water, you must provide it yourself.
2 – We can offer:
a. Visit to the shrine
b. A brief explanation of the history and mission of the Cor Ecclesiae Shrine
c. Space in the garden, pilgrims’ room, toilets
d. Water
3 – How to reach the shrine:
a. By coach: a permit is required to access the Via Aurelia Antica (entry permit at: –
b. By car or cab: We ask you to inform us of your arrival time and the number of vehicles so that we can prepare the opening of the entrance gate and free parking spaces for you
c. On foot: ATTENTION: The GPS shows a route through the park of Villa Pamphili. DO NOT USE IT! Just follow the Via Aurelia Antica on the side of the road very carefully because there are no sidewalks
d. If the gate is closed, ring the bell
4 – We are grateful for a donation for the Cor Ecclesiae Shrine and our house.
From the heart of the church, we await you with joy!
The Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in Rome
Responsible: Sr. M. Clades Schwengber
Secular Institute of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary
Via Aurelia Antica 112
00165 Rome (RM)
Phone: +39 06 39378780

Belmonte / Matri Ecclesiae Shrine
Guidelines for pilgrimages to the Matri Ecclesiae Shrine in the Holy Year 2025
To all tour group leaders
1 – Please make a reservation at
We ask for the following information:
a. Responsible person: name, email and mobile phone
b. Group: Country and number of pilgrims
c. Date, time
d. Planned stay in the Shrine with details of your wishes: Holy Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer in common. – Please make your own arrangements for a celebrant.
2 – We can offer:
a. Visit to the shrine
b. A brief explanation of the history and mission of the Matri Ecclesiae Shrine
c. Space in the garden, pilgrims’ room, toilets
d. Water
3 – How to reach the shrine:
Belmonte is located in the Casalotti district of Rome, at the intersection of Via di Boccea and Via di Santa Gemma, close to the “Grande Raccordo Annulare” (GRA) highway ring road.
The address:
Via di Santa Gemma, 17
00166 Roma
GPS: latitude 41.924918, longitude 12.365902
Info –
4 – We are grateful for a donation for the Matri Ecclesiae Shrine and House.
Pilgrims can obtain a plenary indulgence in the Matri Ecclesiae Shrine until December 8, 2025.
Complete indulgence
On the occasion of our Shrine’s 20th anniversary, the Holy Father Francis, through the Apostolic Penitentiary, has granted that from 6 September 2024 to 8 December 2025, the faithful may obtain a plenary indulgence by visiting the Shrine under the usual conditions (prayer in the intention of the Pope, confession, Eucharistic Communion). The sick and those who cannot visit the Shrine can also obtain a plenary indulgence by offering their sufferings to the Lord or performing devotional practices.
In anticipation of the stream of pilgrims to the Shrine in the Holy Year 2025, all the pilgrims who come in 2025 are invited to join the coronation stream. They will be asked to pray the coronation prayer and symbolically crown Mary with a sticker that they can place on a picture of the MTA. They can then take this picture home with them. Pilgrims are also invited to sign a plaque in support of Father Kentenich’s “vision of the Church”, which we live in the context of a Church that strives for a synodal style as a legacy of the Second Vatican Council.
Centro Internazionale di Schoenstatt Roma Belmonte
Via di Santa Gemma, 17
00166 Roma
Rector Fr. Marcelo Cervi