Young Ecuadorian Schoenstatter at the threshold of the priesthood

Sister María Emilia Loor

Schoenstatt in Ecuador is preparing for the priestly ordination of Deacon Luis Polit, which will take place on October 14 in the Cathedral of Guayaquil.

During his 10 years of formation, the Schoenstatt Family has accompanied him and his course. The Mothers’ Branch faithfully offers weekly adorations and holy masses for Deacon Luis Polit, Luigi, as he is affectionately called, and his course.

Is this vocation the one most accompanied by prayer and contributions to the Capital of Grace? It seems to us that it is. The number of prayers that have supported him is enormous!

Luigi’s mother, Mirella Estrella de Polit, a dentist and widow for years, is a member of the Mothers’ Branch of Guayaquil, and this has aroused this special solidarity of the Movement to accompany this vocation. Besides, he has been a member of the Schoenstatt Boys’ Youth since he was a child, as a “crusader”. By the age of 13, he already felt the idea of a vocation, which would come and go, until becoming mature and culminating in his entry into the Institute of the Schoenstatt Fathers.

Today, during a morning of adoration offered by our seminarian, Mirella told several friends that she often put her son to sleep with the song Mary of the Covenant (María de la Alianza). She does not know how she will be able to control her excitement on the day of the ordination, since she has always prayed for priestly vocations.

From “crusader” in the Boy’s Youth to priest

For the moment, the future Schoenstatt Father is serving in one of the busiest parishes in Guayaquil. He says he is very happy in his pastoral work, learning a lot and giving himself 100% in this ecclesial service. So as not to become distracted, he even refuses for the moment to participate in other invitations that are obviously made to him by Schoenstatt. He responds by saying: “After this year in the parish, I will spend more time with you. For now, I am devoting all my energy there”.

The Sion Circle of Guayaquil has been the protagonist of this marathon of hours of adoration, including this full morning before the Blessed Sacrament, which was followed by Holy Mass in gratitude and in preparation for his next ordination. At the end of this morning of prayer, Luigi greeted all those present and thanked them for their support, and shared with us the motto he has chosen for his ordination: “Take and eat of it all”. And he showed a beautiful design of his souvenir card, in which he places the Eucharist at the center.

The Schoenstatt Family of Ecuador is grateful to Jesus and the Blessed Mother for choosing vocations within our families, for the affirmative decision of this young man from Guayaquil who chose to consecrate himself to God, to the Church and to Schoenstatt. And today thet ask for new youthful hearts to be called to the consecrated life in our Work and beyond.

Luigi joined the “crusaders” of the Boy’s Youth at the age of six. Schoenstatt is his whole life, and today the Blessed Mother bestows this vocation on him as a beacon in this time of so much darkness.

Celebration of the priestly ordination

Location: Cathedral of Guayaquil

Presiding: Bishop Gerardo Nieves

Date and time: Saturday, October 14, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.

Transmission: Youtube – MovimientoSchoenstattEcuador


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