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Apostolic Movement

Transforming society: families together and being formed in Bujumbura

Fabrice Nduwayezu

On August the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2024, a gathering of the members of the Schoenstatt Family Branch took place at the Queen of Confidence House in Bujumbura, Burundi. The event began with a Holy Mass and then the participants were welcomed for the first training period, which dealt with the importance of the Home Shrine in the family, which is the place of prayer in family life.

After the introduction, everyone shared what they had learned. The speaker reinforced this discussion by highlighting the importance of prayer in the family and, at the same time, emphasizing the role of each member in prayer, especially the role of the man, who is considered the head of the family. He is responsible for leading in prayer and, in all that is necessary, he must place his trust in God and in the Virgin Mary. The speaker encouraged the participants not only to pray, but also to take action.

Strategy in the face of social challenges

What surprised everyone was the high level of participation of the families. Despite the common difficulties of finding a bus and getting around Burundi, 54 couples were present, 36 with both spouses and 18 with one of them attending.

It was also an opportunity to discuss together how to overcome a common problem in the situation of families in the country: the high cost of living. They asked themselves the question: “How can we act as authentic Schoenstatters? Several proposals were put forward, among them self-education, characterized by a change in behavior and mentality, for example, not wasting money on unnecessary beverages and clothes. However, one should not be afraid of the prevailing poverty, but rather develop strategies to overcome it.

The couples also presented suggestions to each other: growing vegetables and fast-growing plants; raising small animals; helping each other, husband and wife, by working together; trusting each other as members of the Schoenstatt Family Movement; managing the use of clothes and food; not being afraid to develop a project in the neighborhood; teaching the children how to do housework, especially during the vacations. At the same time, faithfulness and trust were emphasized as a resolution after the first conference: praying while working.

Nine couples sealed the Covenant

On the second day of the meeting, the theme was “strengthening unity and love in the Church family”. It was emphasized that unity and love in the family are very important. The sacraments provide the strength to grow in love and help make the family a domestic church.

The third topic was “The traits of those who live the Covenant of Love with the Blessed Mother are the fulfillment of the six promises and the six requirements”.

The objective of the Schoenstatt Family Movement and the three pillars associated with it were reviewed.

  • to love the Mother Thrice Admirable;
  • the sanctification of daily life
  • the apostolate

The meeting concluded with a Mass at the Shrine of Peace and Reconciliation on Mount Sion Gikungu.

There, nine couples sealed their Covenant of Love with the Blessed Mother and more than 25 renewed it; nine couples conquered the Home Shrine and 36 couples renewed their wedding vows. There was an atmosphere of joy, which was expressed through songs and spoken words. The celebration reached its climax at a very special reception that took place after the Mass.

Translation: Maribel Acaron


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