The Theological Commission of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints analyzed the documents (Positio)—about 800 pages—concerning the life, heroic virtues, and fame of sanctity of João Luiz Pozzobon and gave its opinion.
“The Theological Commission, meeting on Tuesday, March 4, expressed itself positively regarding the heroic exercise of virtues, the fame of sanctity, and the intercession of the Servant of God, Deacon João Luiz Pozzobon,” said Dr. Silvia Correale, the postulator for the cause in Rome. In other words, according to this commission’s analysis, João Luiz Pozzobon lived extraordinarily the virtues of faith, hope, and charity. We can be very grateful for this further step in the beatification process. However, two more steps are still needed to make this official and public.
Two more steps are needed
The next step is analyzing the report (from the meeting on March 4) by the Bishops and Cardinals, members of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints. “We remain united in prayer that the Lord, through the action of the Holy Spirit, will guide the Cardinals and Bishops of the Dicastery, who are called to give their judgment in an Ordinary Session, the date of which has not yet been defined, but is expected in the coming months,” the postulator motivated.
If the judgment is favorable, in this new stage, the cause will then be presented to the Holy Father, the Pope, who may authorize the publication of the decree recognizing the heroic virtues, making João Pozzobon VENERABLE, meaning worthy of being imitated and publicly venerated throughout the Church.
Can we declare Pozzobon Venerable already?
Not yet. Two essential steps are still missing: the opinion of the Cardinals and approval by the Pope. Therefore, with hearts full of joy, let us continue in prayer.
The Stages of Recognizing Heroic Virtues
- Opening of the Diocesan Phase – 1994
- Opening of the Roman Phase – 2009
- Theologians and consultants analyze the Positio – March 4, 2025
- Ordinary Session of the Bishops and Cardinals (Next Step)
- Recognition of Heroic Virtues and Decree of Venerable by the Pope
Initiatives for Prayer
In addition to various private initiatives, there are also official initiatives. In Schoenstatt, Germany, every 27th of the month, Holy Mass is celebrated in Portuguese at the Original Shrine for the intention of the beatification cause and for the jubilee of the 75th anniversary of the Campaign of the Pilgrim Mother. In various parts of Brazil and around the world, prayer and formation initiatives are being carried out around João Pozzobon and his cause.
“A growing global network of prayer for the beatification of the Servant of God is being formed. We have received reports from many people and communities united in prayer and interested in learning more about the life of the Poor Deacon from Santa Maria, who sought to live the faith, with God’s grace, profoundly and heroically,” said Fr. Vitor Possetti, vice-postulator of the cause. “The most important thing is that this process unites us even more in prayer and inspires us to seek to live our life of faith heroically, as Deacon João Pozzobon did. So, the encouragement is to continue praying and drawing closer to his life and legacy,” he added.
Information: Secretariat of the Beatification Process of João Luiz Pozzobon
Learn more here: Vatican sets date to analyze the process of beatification of João Pozzobon
Translation: Sr. M. Lourdes Macías