The Shrine in Maringá, Brazil, already has a date set for its blessing

Mariane Teles

With great joy and gratitude, the Schoenstatt Family of Maringá, Brazil, announces the date of the blessing of the Shrine of the Mother Thrice Admirable Queen and Victress of Schoenstatt: September 8, 2024, at 10:30 am.

The date was first presented to the local Schoenstatt Family at the opening of the year and was chosen because it is the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on which the Church commemorates the birth of Mary exactly nine months after the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

Crowning of the “Queen of Construction”

The Family of Maringá also took advantage of this year’s opening to crown the Blessed Mother as Queen of Construction. The crown is a symbol of tribute and reverence to the Blessed Mother, indicating that she is the great Queen who will guide the entire process of construction of her dwelling, from where she will distribute abundant graces.

Let’s participate and accompany spiritually

The Holy Mass for the blessing will be presided by Archbishop Severino Clasen and will be attended by the National Director of the Schoenstatt Movement, Father Antônio Bracht.
The Schoenstatt Family of Maringá invites everyone to participate in the inauguration ceremony, but also extends the invitation to prepare spiritually until that moment arrives. This can be done through the Prayer, contributions to the Capital of Grace, or the novena held every 8th of each month – always posted on social media at @schoenstatt_maringa.

Maringá is in the southern region of the country, in the state of Paraná.


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