The Schoenstatt Shrine in Atibaia / Brazil commences its 50th anniversary celebrations

Sr. Marcia Maria Gusmão

On September 17, 1972, almost 50 years ago, the Blessed Mother chose the city of Atibaia, near São Paulo, to establish herself and create a special place of pilgrimages, devotion, and graces. The fifth Shrine of the Mother and Queen of Schoenstatt in Brazil was created with the mission of “ensuring the permanent presence of the Father” in the hearts of his children.

This sacred place receives more than 150,000 visitors a year from different regions of Brazil. The Golden Jubilee marks, in a special way, the return of the pilgrim movement after this period of social isolation caused by the pandemic.

Sister M. Nelly Mendes is part of the organizing team for the Jubilee and explains the significance of this celebration: “To celebrate 50 years of Our Lady’s work in the Shrine, which annually receives so many pilgrims, is to thank She who accepted the invitation and settled here. She is truly our dear Mother, who is with us at every moment of our life, especially when we experience pain, suffering and loneliness. She is with us, and this renews our hope and joy”.

A call to trust

Schoenstatt Shrine Atibaia

To illuminate the pilgrims’ pathway and the Schoenstatt Family in this Jubilee, the motto chosen was:

“Father, we trust in you and walk in your presence”

The phrase has its foundation in Holy Scripture: “Walk before me and be blameless!” (Gen. 17:1). Being in the plural form, it is meant to include the family and the community. To walk means to move into the future, into the next 50 years, and provides the answer to times of great challenges: trust. Do not trust in people, but in God, to whom Mary leads us in her Shrine.

This motto also directs us to the person of the founder, Father Joseph Kentenich, who for the Schoenstatt Family is a reflection of the divine fatherhood.

As Schoenstatt Family it is very important to ensure our position, mission, and charism in the Schoenstatt Work according to God’s will. With our testimony of faithfulness, we want to express that we trust in Him and want to continue to walk in His presence to carry Schoenstatt’s mission to future generations.

Plenary Indulgence for those who visit the Shrine

Throughout the Jubilee Year, pilgrims visiting the Schoenstatt Shrine in Atibaia will be able to receive the plenary indulgence. This is, for the Catholic Church, in a simplified form, the total pardon that absolves the sinner from the obligation to fulfill the purification penalties in purgatory after his death.

The Decree issued by Monsignor Sérgio Colombo, Diocesan Bishop of Bragança Paulista/SP, states: “To commemorate the Jubilee year, the grace of plenary indulgence has been granted by the Apostolic Penitentiary to all those who visit the Shrine during this period, as well as to the sick and to all those who cannot be physically present, so that they may benefit from the grace of the indulgence by offering their sufferings to God and fulfilling the practices of piety”.

Jubilee Logo


A contest was held to choose the logo for the Jubilee celebrations. The winner of the contest, designer Sara Daniele Barletta Cardoso, explains the concept for the creation of the logo:

“The logo brings the Schoenstatt Shrine in a stylized version and features the symbol of the Schoenstatt Movement in the official blue and yellow colors.

The geometric tiles refer to the motto ‘Father, we trust in you and walk in your presence’. They form the Jubilee pathway that we want to travel together, bringing many people to the Shrine. The permanent presence of God the Father is represented in his symbol in the Shrine.

Walking is movement, therefore, the Shrine that usually has a solid and geometric format acquired more fluid and curved forms.

The circle that surrounds the Shrine and that forms the number 50 refers to the grace of feeling at home. Our Lady welcomes each pilgrim and leads them to experience God, rich in love and mercy”.

Walking together to transform today’s reality

As a Schoenstatt Family celebrating our Jubilee, we want to transform reality based on a heroic and victorious confidence, a precious inheritance that the Tabor Schoenstatt Family of Brazil received from our Father and Founder during his visits to Brazil.

We invite everyone to prepare and live the golden jubilee of the Tabor Shrine of the Permanent Presence of the Father.


with your loved ones

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