The “life around the Original Shrine” was the subject of a full- day hearing on November 6, 2024. The General Presidium of the worldwide and multi-faceted Schoenstatt Work had invited the hearing out of its concern and responsibility for the place of origin of the international movement.
The invitation was addressed to the 15 different initiatives and institutions that have been investing ideas, time, energy and financial resources in the Original Shrine for many years. The aim was to better coordinate this commitment, to know each other and from each other, to become active together, so that the Mother of God can work even more from her place of origin. This was the unifying factor of the 25 or so people in the diverse group.
At the same time, there was a certain tension because ideas about what to do had already been expressed. And some attempts had been made in the past. But the meeting was held and it actually became a hearing.
Mediation for growing together
Through the method of appreciative inquiry, it was possible to listen and sense what life is there. And to listen to each other and hear where common steps into the future could lead.
Thanks to the moderator, Birgit Baumann Heidenheim, action impulses were formulated at the end of the day, which the attending members of the General Presidium took with them to their next meeting as expertise from this day.
“For me,” said the moderator, “it was important today that so many different people came together, bringing so many treasures, and that these treasures were shared with others, giving rise to many ideas and suggestions.”

The material collected will be sent to the General Presidium
Father Alexandre Awi Mello, chairman of the General Presidium of Schoenstatt, participated in the meeting and stated, “It was a very beautiful experience. There are many different groups – more than ten – that have to do with the life around the Original Shrine. Today we worked, talked and listened to each other the whole day. It was a process of listening to see what the pastoral needs of the shrine are and how we can continue to work together. And this will now be handed over to the General Presidium so that we can continue to reflect on how we can keep the pastoral work and style around the shrine united and well coordinated.”
Bringing more life to the shrine
Bernadette and Norbert Weweler, who work as sacristans at the Original Shrine, are aware that this meeting is the beginning of new concrete actions.
“We had a wonderful day of sharing. We shared what the Original Shrine means to us – that was one of the highlights of the day for me. We talked about how we envision the future of this holy place and how we can experience more life here. We also talked about how we can bring more life to the Blessed Mother. These are the first steps we have taken and we are very excited to make them happen. This is where it all begins,” Bernadette Weweler said.
Norbert Weweler is counting on everyone’s help in this mission: “I think we can still coordinate with the individual groups so that they know about each other. And yes, it is a big task and yes, we are looking forward to it and we are happy to help and receive help.”
The participating groups have been taking care of various aspects of the pastoral life of the shrine for more than 10 years, such as the sacristy, live broadcasts, pilgrimages, etc. All of them have indicated their willingness to continue to collaborate.
For your spiritual visit to the original shrine, please visit the website: