The Covenant of Love – a gift in difficult times

Sister M. Nilza P. da Silva

Every 18th, the people who have sealed the Covenant of Love with the Mother Thrice Admirable and Queen of Schoenstatt (MTA) throughout the world gather spiritually in the Shrine.  Their commitment is renewed to the same Covenant sealed by Father Joseph Kentenich and the seminarians on October 18, 1914, in the Original Shrine in Schoenstatt.

In this way, they renew their faith in the mission God has entrusted to the MTA in her Schoenstatt Shrines: to work together so a new social order will emerge, based on renewed individuals who authentically live the Covenant sealed with Christ in their baptism.

It is a double current that flows in the Shrine:

Mary is present there as the great Educator, capable of attracting childlike hearts and transforming them into fervent missionaries. At the same time, these covenant children offer to her all their efforts for self-education, like the water in the jars of Cana – the Capital of Grace – so that through her, Jesus can continue to work miracles of growth for the Kingdom of God. This dynamic, which we call the Covenant of Love, maintains the Shrine as a source of graces that spills over to all humanity.

Father Kentenich explains: “Other places of pilgrimage are a gratuitous gift of divine grace. Our place of grace is the result of a common effort between God and us, between the Blessed Mother and us. Here the constant requirement is: collaborate! Without us, nothing ought to happen in Schoenstatt…. Schoenstatt lives or dies according to our serious efforts for holiness. There are other shrines that do not have this requirement. But Schoenstatt depends on people who really strive for holiness and who bind this striving to our Shrine.” (The Mystery of Schoenstatt, 1933)

If the visit of the Pilgrim MTA in the homes gives so many graces and performs so many miracles, with the graces that God pours into the Shrine, if thousands of people learn again to love Jesus and to live in community, it is because thousands of other silent missionaries, without being known to the public for what they do, faithfully live the Covenant of Love they sealed with the MTA.

Graces from the Shrine

More than ever, we need the graces of the Shrine and the protection of our Mother and Queen in this uncertain time that we are living. Uncertainty about the climate, wars and the pandemic that threatens to come back….

Let us renew the Covenant of Love! With great joy, let us be instruments that help  transform the world into a new Marian land, founded on love, transparency, in the Covenant with God, with people and with nature.




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