Progress in the publication of documents on the history of the Schoenstatt Movement
Heinrich Brehm
Study Edition #3 of the series “Documents on the History of the Schoenstatt Movement” presents in three volumes the correspondence between Father Joseph Kentenich and the Rector General of the Pallottine Fathers, Father Adalbert Turowski, SAC, from June 1949 to the end of 1960. The first volume contains 48 documents consisting of 320 pages from the period extending through the end of October 1951. Volumes 2 and 3, to be published in the coming months, contain 89 letters and writings from the period ranging from the end of October 1951 to the end of 1960. The editor of the complete series is Father Eduardo Aguirre, postulator of Father Joseph Kentenich’s beatification process.
A behind-the-scenes look at Schoenstatt’s ecclesial visitations
In July 2021, volume 1 of the Study Edition “Reports of the Episcopal and Apostolic Visitations 1949 to 1953” became available for the first time, and in particular the report of the Visitation of Fr. Sebastian Tromp, SJ, which was under lock and key in the archives of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome until the year 2020. Now the letters and writings are being published in Study Volume 3. These will show what went on behind the scenes of the visitations. These documents shed a whole new light on the visitation reports of Auxiliary Bishop Bernhard Stein and Father Sebastian Tromp SJ. They reveal what was behind the action taken against Father Kentenich and the order sending him into exile in Milwaukee, USA.
Fr. Tromp’s almost unlimited power
It is abundantly clear to what extent Father Kentenich recognized his bond with his Pallottine community, on the one hand, and to what extent segments of his community were pushing for a Schoenstatt Movement without Father Kentenich as its founder, on the other hand. The letters and writings also document the almost unlimited power that Father Tromp exercised in the Holy See and how he was able to assert his stance against all opposition and opposing views.
Rector General Turowski asked Pius XII to revoke all the decrees of the Holy See Against Father Kentenich
The documents especially reflect the evolution of the relationship between Fr. Kentenich and Fr. Turowski, who was Rector General of the Pallottines from 1947 to 1953. Turowski was initially critical of Father Kentenich, whom he had appointed General Delegate of the Schoenstatt Movement. As his view of the spirituality of the Schoenstatt Movement and its founder developed, he became an outspoken advocate of Father Kentenich. One of the highlights of this development is documented in the vehement letter he wrote to Pope Pius XII on October 18, 1951, asking for the revocation of all decrees against Father Kentenich.
Whoever wanted to do something special was restrained with a firm hand
In addition, the written documents give an insight into the mentality that prevailed in the Church in the middle of the 20th century. Spiritual approaches and personalities who wanted to convey special concerns to the Church were monitored, judged and condemned with a firm hand. The expectation of obedience to ecclesiastical authority was above any theological or pedagogical discussion in a way that today’s readers can barely imagine.
The status of the series “Documents on the history of the Schoenstatt Movement”
The series “Documents on the History of the Schoenstatt Movement” publishes documents, decrees, letters and communications of special importance for the history of the Movement, which had a significant influence on its development. These documents are published as study editions reflecting the respective state of research at the time of publication. The following editions are either already published, are in the process of publication or are planned for publication:
The following is the publication status in German language.
Study Edition 1
Reports of the Episcopal and Apostolic Visitations from 1949 to 1953:
2nd edition November 2021 ISBN 978-3-946982-20-3
Study edition 2
Correspondence and speeches on the Episcopal Visitation 1949:
being prepared, publication planned for late summer 2022.
Study Edition 3 Volume 1
Discussion with the Holy See April 2022 ISBN 978-3-946982-23-4
Study Edition 3 Partial Volume 2 and Partial Volume 3
Review by the Holy See being prepared, publication planned for late summer 2022.
Study Edition 4
Decrees and ecclesiastical orders: Being planned
Study Edition 5
Epistola Perlonga. Historical-critical edition: being prepared
Bibliographical data
Study Edition 3 of the series Documents on the history of the Schoenstatt Movement: “Reports of the Episcopal and Apostolic Visitations 1949 to 1953”, edited by Eduardo Aguirre, Patris Verlag, Vallendar 2021.
A5 format, soft cover, 333 pages
ISBN 978-3-946982-20-3
Price: 26,00 euros (plus shipping and handling)
Order address: Patris Verlag, Höhrer Str. 109, 56179 Vallendar, Tel. 0261/604090, Mail: or at any bookstore.
Study Edition 1of the series Documents on the History of the Schoenstatt Movement:
“Confrontation with the Holy See – The epistolary exchange between Father Kentenich and Turowski, Rector General of the Pallottine Fathers”, edited by Eduardo Aguirre, Patris Verlag, Vallendar 2022.
A5 format, soft cover, 320 pages
ISBN 978-3-946982-23-4
Price: 20,00 euros (plus shipping and handling)
Subscription for all 3 volumes: 48,00 € (plus shipping and handling)
Order address: Patris Verlag, Höhrer Str. 109, 56179 Vallendar, Tel. 0261/604090, Mail: or at any bookstore.