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Apostolic Movement

Italian Schoenstatt leaders meet to delve deeper into their mission

Marie-Christine Jeannenot

On February 3 and 4, 2024, leaders from different Italian regions; Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Sicily, Puglia, and Lazio, met at the Schoenstatt Shrine in Belmonte, Rome. They shared a beautiful weekend of retreat, prayer, and fellowship.

Different work groups were formed, where they reflected on the positive and challenging aspects of the Schoenstatt Movement in Italy. New resolutions for the current year emerged.

Inspired as instruments and with eyes fixed on Divine Providence

On Sunday morning, Fr. Facundo Bernabei, National Director of the Schoenstatt Movement in Italy, enhanced the encounter with an in-depth discussion on the topic “Practical Faith in Divine Providence“. The importance of the two laws outlined by Father Kentenich for meditating on God’s action in the history of the Schoenstatt Family was stressed: the “law of the open door” and the “law of the creative resultant”.

It can be said that during the retreat each participant listened to the Word of the Lord just as Samuel did: “Speak Lord, your servant is listening”.

Well aware of the great challenges, but confident in Divine Providence and solid in their fraternal bonds, the participants bid farewell to return home full of new energy and joy.

The chosen symbol: the tree

Young Rossella Minici sums up:

“The February Leaders’ Day proceeded in a very positive way. Enthusiasm and the joy of sharing new projects and resolutions for the coming Jubilee year were the protagonists of this meeting.

There were several moments of group work, interspersed with testimonies and common discussions proposed by the representatives of each group. Some well-defined topics were discussed: some critical issues, some strengths of previous and/or current initiatives, as well as proposals to work on.

The results of these group reviews were different, but not divergent. Among the issues that stand out as reasons for pride and gratitude, for example, are the formation events, the desire for spiritual/individual growth, the various initiatives in the parishes/communities and the notably favorable relationship with the bishops.

The symbol of this project, decided unanimously among all, is the tree, representing nourishment and the desire for formation. Just like a tree that provides shelter to the birds and sustenance with its fruits, we want to provide spaces for coexistence and seeds of spiritual life. Our Marian message is based on these premises and intentions”.

During the meeting some news for the year 2024-2025 were announced:

– The beginning of online formation about Schoenstatt in all of Italy starting in February 2024
– The Jubilee of the Pilgrim Mother in Italy in 2024
– The International Pilgrim Mother Apostolate will celebrate its 75th anniversary on September 10, 2025, in Brazil (as “Missionaries of Hope”)
– The coronation in 2025 of “Mary, Mother of the Church” at the Belmonte Shrine


with your loved ones

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