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Apostolic Movement

Schoenstatt Boys’ Youth

Ardor for the mission, bonds, joy and fun

Our branch

Youth protagonists

The Schoenstatt Boys’ Youth is a community of boys, youth, and young men ages nine to thirty. In groups they have the opportunity to spend their free time with their peers. This includes camps, but also trips, local group meetings and excursions where the Christian faith is lived and experienced together.



The branch is present in many countries in Europe, America, Oceania and Africa



There have been young people in the Schoenstatt Movement since October 18, 1914. The first officialization of communities in the Movement began with the Hörde Congress in 1919


Leaders for a new world

As a community of life, the youth and young men seek to stand with both feet on the ground and at the same time be turned toward God. The development of individual personalities who are at home in the love of God is just as much a focus as the shaping of everyday life. They look for ideals for shaping their lives and for a journey with God.

Of course, games, enjoyment, and adventure are not neglected.


Our contacts in the world​​

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Our contacts in the world​​

Schoenstatt Boys’ Youth

Schönstatt-Institut Marienbrüder e.V. SMJ Sekretariat, Am Marienberg 4, Zip code 56179, Vallendar, Germany