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Apostolic Movement

“I had to reassure myself three times that what I was experiencing was real”

Bruna Gabriela Weber / Nina Maria Solé Martino

On January 6, 2024, the two-month program “Schoenstatt Zeit” began. The name of the program, translated from German, means “time in Schoenstatt”. It is aimed at the Schoenstatt Girls’ Youth from different countries and is intended to give the young women a profound experience of Schoenstatt, rooted in its origins. The program includes moments of reflection, formation, coexistence, cultural exchange, learning about historical places, time for work and interaction among the different youth groups.

Currently, 16 young women from four different countries participate. Six girls from Brazil, eight from Paraguay, one from Germany and one from Spain are participating. In addition to those who are already in Schoenstatt, we are expecting more girls from the Dominican Republic and Ecuador.

I feel very loved

Through the conversations we have shared so far, we have realized that this has been a very special time for all of them. Here they experience much joy filled with an awareness of mission, as well as deep gratitude for this gift received from the Good God, as Isabel Alflen Klein, from Brazil, tells us:

“Being here in Schoenstatt is a tremendous gift I have received from the Father and I cannot thank him enough for every day I have spent here and for every gift he has given me through the hands of the Blessed Mother. Whether it is personal experiences, experiences with the International Family or experiences with our group…. at every moment I feel loved as the apple of her eyes!

Because of the deep research we are doing on the charism of our Father and Founder, I feel that my heart burns ever more with this love for Schoenstatt. The grace of having direct contact with the roots, with the Original Home, with the places where our heroes lived; in short, this experience of personally seeing all that I have read and studied about Schoenstatt, is like a fire that burns and ignites within me and makes me certain that I want to give myself completely to this Work!”

That is what it means to live Schoenstatt Zeit

To live “Schoenstatt Zeit” means to live moments with very different cultures and, at the same time, to experience the welcoming of our own home, that is, our Original Schoenstatt home. Gabriela Galeano, from Paraguay, tells us about her experience so far:

“My days in Schoenstatt feel like I am in paradise, everything is very calm, beautiful and peaceful. We participate in some Masses in Spanish in the Original Shrine on Sundays at 4:00 p.m., during the week together with other girls from Mutterhaus we go to Mass in the house chapel at 7:00 a.m.; and my favorite moments are when we gather as a community for what is Schoenstatt Zeit and we spend time together”.

Gabriela adds, “If I could pick a top 3 of times when I had to tell myself that what I was experiencing was real, the first would be the time we were walking to Mary’s Garden Shrine, watching the sunset in such soft colors that it felt like the landscape was giving me a warm welcome. Then, one morning when I was leaving my house on my way to the Adoration Church and little snowflakes started to fall while the church bells were ringing, for me it was a sign from God announcing that we are living in a new time; and finally, when we sang ‘Ore Poriahu‘ in the Original Shrine on the first 18th of the year. If the Shrine makes you feel sheltered by its grace, it is even warmer when we sing a song from back home and in one of our most precious languages, which is Guarani”.

Joy and gratitude fill the hearts

All the young women share that it is a gift to be able to live this in community. Next, Anna Loriz, from Germany, tells us her testimony:

“Even though my time in Schoenstatt only started a few days ago, in this short time I have been able to immerse myself in a special atmosphere: sharing my enthusiasm for Schoenstatt with young women from all over the world, deepening together in these treasures, having a lot of fun and laughter; devoting time to my relationship with Jesus in Holy Mass and personal prayer, and simply spending time in front of our MTA in the Shrine. And all this while Schoenstatt is ravished by a beautiful winter landscape with radiant sunshine!”

Joy and gratitude fill the hearts of every young woman who has the opportunity to participate in this time of grace here in Schoenstatt. We count on everyone’s prayers so that each girl can live this time intensely and receive all the graces needed for her life and her work for the Church, especially through Schoenstatt.


with your loved ones

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