Drawing Contest: 80th Anniversary of the Daughter Shrines

Sister Clara María Bercetche

The First Schoenstatt Daughter Shrine in New Helvetia, Uruguay, is turning 80 years old in 2023. It was built as a replica of the Original Schoenstatt Shrine in Germany.

With this initiative, it became possible to extend the graces of the Original Shrine to the whole world, creating a network of Shrines uniting the five continents. As a result, various places of pilgrimage emerged: oases of transformation, shelter, and apostolic zeal.

As part of the 80th anniversary of the Daughter Shrines, the Mater Ter Admirabilis School of New Helvetia, custodian of the First Daughter Shrine, invites you to participate in the drawing contest “80th Anniversary of the Daughter Shrine of New Helvetia”.

As the name indicates, the subject of the contest may refer to its history as well as to the present.

The following are the rules of the contest.

Contest Rules

1. Any person may participate, regardless of nationality. Each contestant may participate with as many works as he/she wishes, as long as they comply with these rules and regulations.

2. Subject of the contest for all categories and genres: As the title of the contest indicates, the subject is the commemoration of the Shrine’s 80th anniversary, with the possibility of depicting the Shrine in the present, as well as scenes from its history.

3. Categories
Mini: Up to 5 years old
Children A: from 6 to 8 years old
Children B: from 9 to 11 years old
Youth A: 12 to 14 years old
Youth B: 15 to 17 years old
Adults: over 18 years of age
Ages are calculated as of December 31, 2023.

4. Technique and size of the artwork
Any technique that the creator of the work chooses for its elaboration may be used.
As for the size, the maximum size is A3 (29.7 x 43) (11.7 in x 16.5 in)

5. Deadline:
The contest officially opened for entries at 00:00 hours (Uruguayan time) on Monday, August 14, 2023, and will close at 23:59 hours (Uruguayan time) on Friday, September 15, 2023.

6. Presentation of artworks

– Works by local artists
Works by local artists will be received at the Mater Ter Admirabilis School of the City of New Helvetia (Luis Alberto de Herrera 1200). The drawings will be received in a sealed envelope, which will contain the artwork(s) submitted by the contestant, accompanied by an envelope (inside the first envelope) with the following information:
Name of the contestant:
Date of birth:
Title of the piece of artwork:
Educational Institution represented: (In case of students)
Contact telephone number:
City and department:

– Works from other parts of Uruguay
The submission of works from other points of Uruguay can be done by scanning the drawing and sending it by e-mail to: concurso80aniversariosantuario@gmail.com or by mailing it to:
Mater Ter Admirabilis School
Shrine’s 80th Anniversary Contest
Luis Alberto de Herrera 1200
New Helvetia/Cologne

– Works from abroad
Artwork sent from abroad may be scanned and submitted by e-mail using the aforementioned e-mail address. If sending the works by e-mail, the file containing the scanned drawing must be accompanied by a word document containing the following data:
Name of the contestant:
Date of birth:
Title of the artwork:
Educational institution represented: (In case of students).
Contact telephone number:

7. Jury
The MTA College will designate the jury for each category, which will be in charge of choosing the winners of each one and may choose as many honorable mentions as it deems appropriate, considering the possibility that some of the categories may receive no submissions.

8. Prizes
The winners of all genres and categories will receive a diploma certifying their award. *
In the same way, those artists who receive an honorable mention will receive a diploma certifying it. *
All participants will receive a Certificate of Participation.
* Provided that the corresponding category has not been declared void.

9. Announcement of decisions
Once the acceptance of the works has been completed and, taking into account the number of works received, the date of the official announcement will be informed. It will be through the social networks of the MTA School and the Schoenstatt Shrine in Uruguay.

10. Awards ceremony
Date and time will be provided upon publication of the awards.

11. The organization reserves the right to make a sample with all the works presented in the contest that comply with the contest rules, clearly showing the name of the artist, without any rights in favor of the artists.

12. Submission to the contest implies acceptance of these rules.

13. The organization will have full power to resolve any other contingency, related to this contest and, being an unforeseen event, not specified in the rules.

14. Any doubt or query regarding these rules and the contest itself may be made by writing to: concurso80aniversariosantuario@gmail.com and will not be accepted by any other means.

15. The Director of the contest is Mr. Diego Proverbio de Freitas, who is responsible for everything related to the administration of the contest.


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