On the way to Christmas, December 10 recalls a special moment for the International Schoenstatt Family. It is the date of Mother Thrice Admirable’s crowning when she received the titles of Mother and QUEEN.
To remember…
The first crown offered to the Virgin Mary in the Original Shrine was simple and made of wood. In 1939, the Schoenstatt Family decided to offer Mary a new crown. This crowning current emerged in the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary community and gained momentum.
On December 10, the MTA received the golden crown, which we all know, and the title of Thrice Admirable Queen of Schoenstatt. With this gesture, a chain of coronations emerged, a characteristic feature of the Schoenstatt Movement worldwide.

Let’s crown Mary again
The year 2025 will be very special. In addition to the various activities of the Church, the Schoenstatt Movement will have a unique crowning moment, making this current that transcends generations alive once again.
The MTA will be crowned “Queen Mother of the Church” at the Belmonte Shrine in Rome. Throughout the year, several pilgrims will participate in this act, offering the crown to the Virgin Mary. For more information, click here.
Why do we keep repeating this act?
Father Marcelo Cervi, Rector of Belmonte, explains: “We crown Mary again and again because, amid the needs that afflict us and after having exhausted all human resources, the coronation symbolizes fervent supplication and unlimited trust in the Virgin Mary, who is the ‘supplicant omnipotence’ before the One who can solve all our problems. To crown, therefore, is to recognize our begging and, at the same time, the richness of God, who can do all things”.

With what attitude are we going to crown?
Father Marcelo, a Brazilian native and a member of the Institute of Schoenstatt Diocesan Priests, has been asked to return to his diocese. However, he will continue to collaborate with the Belmonte team in preparing for this special year.
He explains the attitude with which we want to give the crown to the Virgin Mary: “It is necessary to give ourselves fully to the Capital of Grace, to pray and sacrifice, as a concrete demonstration that we trust and hope, because the cause, whatever it may be, is in the hands of God through Mary.”
He adds: “Handing over the crown means that we recognize to Mary the dignity and rights of a queen, that is, that she is at the side of the King of Kings and has the right and the freedom to present any situation that asks her to intervene with power. Therefore, our central attitude is trust. Childlike and simple trust, abandoning ourselves in our Mother’s hands, convinced that she will take care of everything.
More information about the international coronation
On this page you will find all the information and contacts about the coronation in Belmonte. Let us embark together on this new year of grace, which will undoubtedly be a special time for the entire Schoenstatt Family.
Translation: Sr. M. Lourdes Macías