Chileans were affected by the effects of a strong storm that hit the country during the night of Friday, August 2. Winds up to 90 kilometers per hour knocked down trees and left houses destroyed and several damaged in many parts of the country. The capital, Santiago, was also affected, as well as a very special place for the entire International Schoenstatt Family: the Cenacle Shrine of Bellavista, where the Third Milestone of the Schoenstatt Work is located.
A pine tree was uprooted and hit the roof of the Shrine, breaking its structure in half. Other trees were also uprooted, and many branches covered the ground around the shrine.

A scare, as seen through the eyes of faith in Providence
Sister Monica Maria Quintanilla reports:
Today, Chile dawned quite sad. Many Chileans were affected by this storm. As the Schoenstatt Family, we have shared so many joys around our Shrine, especially during these Jubilee days. But today, we share a great sadness.
After that storm, our Cenacle Shrine saw its trees uprooted. The pine trees, which had accompanied us for so long, fell on the Shrine and broke it in half.

This situation hurts us, but as children of our Father and Founder, it calls us to interpret this situation in the light of faith. And we would like, in the light of Divine Providence, to say to the Blessed Mother, “We want to rebuild your Shrine.” And how do we want to do this? By renewing our Covenant of Love. We want to tell her anew: “Mother, nothing without you, nothing without us.” I invite everyone to renew our Covenant of Love and continue to live the motto that nourished our Jubilee: we go with each other towards the heart of God.
Let us pray for Chile
Given this delicate situation, which affects so many families, all Schoenstatters are invited to offer prayers and contributions to the Capital of Grace for Chile: click here for the online form.
The Cenacle Shrine is the concrete place of the Third Milestone of the Movement. It represents Schoenstatt’s mission announced to the world and to the Church. With the certainty that this mission is always current and challenging, once again, each schoenstatter in the Covenant is called to remain united to rebuild this piece of Schoenstatt that is so important for history.