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Apostolic Movement

Document of the continental phase of the Synod

Sr. M. Nilza P. da Silva

First Phase

During this first phase, the faithful – and not only them – from all the dioceses in every corner of the world, were involved in a process of “listening and discernment”. The results of the meetings, convocations, dialogues and innovative initiatives – above all that of the digital synods – were sent in summary form to the General Secretariat of the Synod and brought together in a single document: the “Working Document for the Continental Phase.”

In the pages that make up the Document, there is the whole of humanity, with its wounds and fears, its imperfections and its faults. It is a working document that aims to bring to the surface the voices of the People of God, with their intuitions, their questions, their disagreements.

The experts met between late September and early October in Frascati, near Rome, to draft the text which speaks of “a frame of reference” for the local Churches and bishops’ conferences in view of the third and final phase of the synod.  The Assembly of Bishops will be held in Rome in October 2023 and again in 2024.

In the link, you can read the full document in English 

Let us accompany this important synod

Let us continue to accompany this important synod with our prayers and let us participate by living in synodality, in the commitment to listen to the other with our heart and not leave anyone excluded from our love.


with your loved ones

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