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Valuable words that Father Kentenich addressed to sick people

Schoenstatt Brasil

Father Kentenich’s words to the sick

To Sr. M Emilie: Try to live the attachment to suffering as a sense of holiness in daily life.

Valuable words

Sister Emilie Engel suffered for many years from the consequences of tuberculosis. During her isolation in a health clinic, she received the following message from Fr. Kentenich.

“Certainly you must be suffering very much. Prepare yourself now for a treatment of absolute rest which will probably require a long time. We lose nothing if we thereby bring greater joy to the Father in Heaven.

What good does God intend for your illness? Surely it must be the best for you and the sisters’ family. Try to live your attachment to suffering as a sense of holiness in your daily life. In this way you will be purified and become more supernatural, more caring and will attract God’s love and solicitude upon us.

It is true that when one is marked by such great suffering and loneliness, life takes on a totally different tone. In this respect, I am almost tempted to envy your state. Become simple and plain again, otherwise the good Lord will have no joy.

It is a comfort to me to know that you, despite all physical distance, are spiritually always there where the good Lord wants you. I thank you for all that you have meant to the Sisters’ Family during the past years.

Remain simple and unassuming. You know how thin and, at the same time, how strong is the thread on which your life of aspiration to holiness hangs: ‘If you are not converted and become like children.'”

To Fritz Esser: The only law is your personal ideal

valuable words

Between November and December 1918, once again Fritz Esser suffered severely from pneumonia. For several days he struggled between life and death and in a moment of greater tranquility, Fr. Kentenich visited him. On that occasion, Fritz asked him if he was going to die or should he pray for his health. Father’s answer was “pray for your health”. Obedient and trusting in that word he addressed his prayer to the Mother of God and was heard.

Later, however, his illness worsened again and Fr. Kentenich wrote to him:

“Dear Fritz how should I answer your letter? God guided you through the dark night of the soul. It was good! Now you can more easily convert to that simplicity and sincerity to aspire to virtue as in former times in Schoenstatt. This means concretely: Do not let yourself be spiritually broken by everything you hear and see. The only law for you should be your personal ideal. For the rest, remain a carefree child in the hands of our Heavenly Mother, as you were in Schoenstatt. The Mother will take care. Mary’s love was the foundation of your sanctification. When the foundation is weakened or neglected, the whole construction is endangered. Everything you receive for the spiritual life can easily be assimilated by your personal ideal and love for Mary. You can certainly count on my prayer with Mary. I ask the same from you. I thank you and the other novices for your contributions to the Capital of Grace.

Cordial greetings and priestly blessing, in sincere love. Joseph Kentenich”.

To Fritz Kühr: This sacrifice is more fruitful than all my personal activity.

Fritz Kühr

After receiving a diagnosis of a serious liver cancer with no human possibilities for recovery, Dr. Friedrich Kühr wrote to Fr. Kentenich about his situation. On August 18, 1950 Fritz received Fr. Kentenich’s reply.

“What can I say to you now? You write to me with few words, but you express so much! I would like to tell you: It is the same attitude as the Blank Check and the Inscriptio, which helped you to endure the severe sufferings in Dachau.

I am grateful to God and also to you that you remained faithful to your way of seeing things; I am mainly grateful that the fire of your love for Schoenstatt, in spite of all your other interests, continues so strong that you offer your life for the Schoenstatt Work.

I know how seriously you do it and I also know that this sacrifice is fruitful, more fruitful than all my personal activity. God bless you for that.

More than for you, the situation must be heavy for your dear wife. I hope that your example will also lift her up so that she will be more and more free from all that is worldly. Such a heroic attitude is perfectly compatible with the sense of suffering and pain that cannot be avoided.

The Mother of God must first have been a Sorrowful Mother before being Glorious”.

You can also pray this prayer for the sick:

“I have come that all may have life and have it to the full!” (Jn. 10:10)

Lord Jesus, by your word and the gestures of your hands you cured the blind, the paralyzed, the lepers and so many other sick people. Encouraged by faith, we also come to pray for our sick.

Give them, Lord:

The grace of perseverance in prayer despite the discouragement inherent in sickness.

The grace of courage to seek a cure, even after several attempts.

The grace of simplicity to accept the help of professionals, family and friends.

The grace of humility to recognize one’s own limitations.

The grace of patience in the pains and difficulties of treatment.

The grace to understand, through faith, the transitoriness of this life.

The grace to understand that sin is the greatest of diseases.

May we understand that human suffering is consummated in your Redemptive Passion.

If it were for your glory, we ask you to heal our sick.


Source: Archdiocese of São Paulo


– Emilie Engel; Wolff, Margareta; My yes is forever. Mother and Queen Society.

– Fritz Esser; Bauer G. M.; Servus Mariae nunquam peribit. Secular Institute of the Schoenstatt Brothers of Mary, 1978.

– Friederich Kühr; Martin, Norbert; Dr. Friederich Kühr, a biography.


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