Electricity is out in Mutumba and hundreds of people are left homeless

A landslide struck the premises of the Schoenstatt Center in Mutumba, Burundi, Africa. 2,485 people in the region have been left homeless and without electricity. The Schoenstatt Sisters, committed to the dignity of the families in the region, are in need of help to recover the damaged turbine and help the families dealing with such complicated situations.

Prisoners in Brazil form a Mother and Queen Men’s Rosary group

The Mother and Queen Men’s Rosary is a large Schoenstatt apostolate involving more than one million men. They meet frequently to pray the rosary and, in many places, they engage in social work. Now, for the first time, a prison in the state of Piauí has a Rosary group.

Healing the Sick by Healing Relationships – With Mary’s eyes!

Sister of Mary and doctor, Sister M. Teresa Olivares, from Chile, speaks about what characterizes Schoenstatt health professionals in their mission of living the Covenant of Love in the care of patients. And on this World Day of the Sick, she makes a comparison between the daily life of the sick and the 31st of May: a “very current” and challenging mission.

A Christmas dinner… in the streets, for the people of the streets

A buffet of special dishes, as well as presentations and songs, made up the dinner offered to the needy population of the city of Olinda, Brazil. The Schoenstatt Family, through the Mother Queen of Mercy Project, organized a special celebration for their brothers and sisters who are homeless. The diners were delighted by the special richness of the encounter.

CIEES Congress ends with the commitment to be agents of hope

Entrepreneurs and leaders from Schoenstatt: The international meeting, which takes place every two years, took place from November 16 – 18 in Samborondón, Ecuador, with the aim of renewing the mission to bring the Kentenich pedagogy into the workplace and business world and apply it respectively.

JULY | For the Elderly


We pray for the elderly, who represent the roots and memory of a people; may their experience and wisdom help young people to look towards the future with hope and responsibility.