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Apostolic Movement

Pope inaugurates synodal journey with a Mass on October 10

Vatican News

The Pope’s Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica will officially open the Synod on Synodality at the Vatican next Sunday, October 10. The Eucharistic celebration will be preceded on Saturday, October 9 by time for reflection in the Synod’s New Hall.

Novelty for the Synod: it will begin with the local Churches

Saturday’s program – according to a report from the Holy See Press Office – includes work in plenary sessions and in groups divided by language. Representatives from various groups will be present, among them delegates from the international meetings of the Bishops’ Conferences and participating organizations, members of the Roman Curia, fraternal delegates, delegates representing consecrated life and lay ecclesial movements, the youth council, and others.


synodal journey


Pope Francis will participate in the first part of the program, scheduled from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. There will be a welcome act at 8:00 am, followed at 9:00 a.m. by the enthronement and proclamation of the Word of God (Rev 1:9-20). This will be followed by a meditation by Father Paul Béré, a Jesuit from Burkina Fasso, and by Cristina Inogés Sanz, a Spanish theologian.

The Pope will then deliver a speech, followed by a greeting from Cardinal Jean Claude Hollerich, General Rapporteur of the Synod. There will also be six testimonials: the first, from a young woman from South Africa, then a religious man from the United States of America who will speak via video streaming, and finally a bishop from Korea. After a silent pause, a family from Australia will offer their testimony -video streamed as well -, a priest from Brazil will speak and the cycle of testimonials will conclude with the participation of the founder of a religious community in France. A moment of silence will be observed and Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod, will read his message. This will be followed by the introduction of the work in small groups at 11.00 a.m. and at 11.30 a.m. there will be group workshops divided by language.

 Mass at St. Peter’s

All those present will participate in the Mass the following day, Sunday, October 10, at 10 a.m. presided by Pope Francis in the Basilica. The Eucharistic celebration will thus officially inaugurate the Synod for the diocese of Rome together with the universal Church.

Both Saturday’s plenary session and Sunday’s Mass will be broadcast live by Vatican Media.

Source: Vatican News

Photos: Cathopic


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