Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2022

Sr. M. Lourdes Macías

Dear friends and readers of

Christmas is approaching. Christmas, the time when the “Yes” of the Blessed Mother proves its fruit and that what the World did not anticipate, happens.

Our redeemer Jesus Christ is born and He brings humanity, each one of us His Light.

Merry Christmas

This light means LOVE – unending, big, close. His love searches for us, touches us and knows no limits. The light of his love takes hold of us.

This light means JOY – deep, near, fulfilling. The deepest joy dwells in the hearts that know of God’s nearness. When we experience, that God is a God of love, then joy comes into our hearts.

This light means HOPE – big, powerful, strong.  To trust God and to believe in Him in the darkest times is a sign of hope. God shows us through all incomprehensibilities that He guides our lives through love.

Like Mary, we ask Him that in our lives, the light of love, joy and hope never ends. Let it shine in us and through us.

We know that to meet Jesus means: Jesus

–  Being very close to God

–  Experience appreciation

–  Sharing your own joy with others

We, the team “” want to wish you that all this comes true in your life and we will pray here in the Holy places in Schoenstatt for you, your families and your intentions.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2022


with your loved ones

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