International Invitation: Approaching the 75th Anniversary of the Pilgrim Mother Apostolate

Sr. M. Rosequiel Fávero / Karen Bueno

With great joy, the Brazilian Schoenstatt Family is preparing to celebrate 75 years of the Pilgrim Mother Apostolate. The extension and reach of this apostolate, which today embraces the entire world, has led the Brazilian Schoenstatt Movement to plan an international encounter in the Jubilee year of 2025.

Given the global character of the Apostolate, the General Presidium of the Schoenstatt Movement authorized the celebration of a large international encounter in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, centered on the Tabor Shrine, where it all began. From September 9 to the 14th, 2025, representatives from different countries and continents that form part of this apostolate will gather. They will be there not only to celebrate, but also to share experiences, exchange ideas and review the consensus documents developed in previous international encounters.

An opportunity to get together as a Family

According to those responsible for the Movement in Brazil, on September 10 there will be an international celebration and on Sunday, September 14, there will be a great public celebration, with the traditional Spring Pilgrimage.

During the days of celebration, there will be a seminar on the Pilgrim Mother Apostolate mission, workshops to update the “Consensus Document” and a day of meetings for the delegates and those responsible for the Apostolate in the different countries.

Father Alexandre Awi Mello states: “As the International Presidium, we are very happy with this initiative and we are sure that it will be an excellent opportunity to continue to deepen and develop this stream of life that has spread to so many continents, cultures and languages. We hope that it will also be an opportunity to get together as an International Schoenstatt Family around our Shrines, to give thanks for all the life that the Blessed Mother has been fostering throughout all these years, starting with the humble and generous initiative of the Servant of God John Louis Pozzobon, and thus being able to commit ourselves to take the MTA to all the corners of our society.”

International Working Team

The first steps have already been taken for the formation of a central and international team to prepare this event. And very soon, those responsible for the Pilgrim Mother Apostolate in the different countries will receive invitations and information about the encounter, which promises to be a new milestone for this apostolate, approaching its 75th anniversary.

The Pilgrim Mother Apostolate was born from the apostolic commitment of the Servant of God John Louis Pozzobon. From his determination over a period of 35 years, a vast apostolate was born which today involves thousands of volunteers committed to take the Pilgrim Mother image from the Schoenstatt Shrine to families, hospitals, schools and all the places that open their doors to her. For everyone, John Pozzobon, whose cause for beatification began in 1994, is an example and a source of inspiration.

Motto and logo

Under the motto “With the Pilgrim Mother, missionaries of hope,” the slogan echoes the words of Pope Francis and is connected to the great Jubilee of the Church in 2025.

The logo, designed with the participation of many coordinators, is centered on the image of the Pilgrim Mother and her son Jesus. At the top, the Schoenstatt logo, illuminating the route with a golden hue. On the left, John Pozzobon leads and calls to the mission. And on the right, the families and the missionaries, walking with Mary in the footsteps of Pozzobon.


Letter from the Brazil Movement

Letter from the General Presidium


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