“Everyone participates”, that is what unites people at the traditional International Festival of Encounter in Schoenstatt: the different generations, the different nationalities and language groups, the Schoenstatters at heart and the Schoenstatt sympathizers, those from the town of Vallendar and the participants who traveled from Regensburg, Mainz, Frankfurt, Luxemburg, and so on. ‘Atmosphere’ and ‘community’ are often used as key words to describe what this celebration is all about.
Everyone participates
The festival thrives on the diverse participation of very different people and groups, and at very different levels. Hence its special atmosphere. “Thank you for letting us participate,” exclaim the two Brazilian couples living in Luxembourg who, once again, have traveled in advance to collaborate.

Songs and dances from Peru and Chile, the Philippines, Bulgaria and Germany are applauded. The various accompanying dances, including the cuckoo polka, were also well received. Ricardo Filho, a Brazilian living in Luxembourg, accepted the request to conduct the event, even though his flight to Brazil with his family was scheduled for the following day. He could not say no to the Blessed Mother, he said, since he had already sealed his Covenant of Love. He also radiates the confidence-filled poise of “Giving God an extra hour” in the morning drizzle.
The festival is enriched above all by the various levels of encounter: encounter with the nationalities of the guests, encounter with the cultures of the participants, personal encounters in the midst of it all.

The fact that Herbert Wirtz, from the Gymnich district, offered barrel organ music for the first time greatly enhanced these moments of encounter. It gives the festival a cozy feeling that is appreciated by all of us. A special feature of the festival is the encounter with Schoenstatt as a place of grace. This includes the internationally organized Mass at the beginning. This year it included the contribution of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary candidates: “What I like about Schoenstatt…”. And it traditionally includes the candlelight procession to the Original Shrine.
In Portuguese, Spanish, English and German, the moderators of the celebration, Rosario Lira and Ricardo Filho, prepare the mood for the culminating moment and the conclusion of the day: the renewal of the Covenant of Love in one’s mother tongue and the individual blessing in the Original Shrine.

A tradition with a future
On the one hand, the Encounter Festival is already a tradition in Schoenstatt, and on the other hand, it harbors potential for the future, since the internationality in Schoenstatt and in the Vallendar community, to which Schoenstatt belongs, is growing. In conversation with the Vallendar Fanfare Band, which is participating in the Encounter Festival for the first time, it is clear that a successful culture of encounter, an inclusive coexistence of all cultures and mindsets, are common concerns. “Until next time,” said the fanfare band as they bid farewell to the event in Schoenstatt, already preparing for the celebration of their 40th anniversary in 2025, which will be at the next Encounter Festival on August 17, 2025.

Translation: Maribel Acaron
Source: schoenstatt.de