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Apostolic Movement

Signs of Light

Signs of Light

…as the World Needs Them

"There are solutions. And if we give everything, if we join forces and join our hearts, then together we can change the world"
a documentary film from France

Signs of Light, founded by the Schoenstatt Movement in Germany, changes a piece of the world.

How did the association Lichtzeichen (Signs of Light) come into being?

In the Advent of the year 2000, a woman who was active in the social committee of her parish asked for equipment for three babies who would be born in the next months and whose mothers needed support.

This request was passed on to women and mothers at Schoenstatt Movement events and within a very short time everything necessary for the expected children was collected.

This action made us listen attentively:

Is the lack so great that women do not have the most necessary things for their children?

Some committed women thought about what to do, and an initiative was born to collect equipment and pass it on to pregnant women in need. The association “Lichtzeichen” was founded on 27 September 2002.

The great Sign of Light is Our Lady, who gave birth to the Light of the World. She inspires, encourages and strengthens the employees of “Signs of Light”. They work for the protection of the lives of unborn children, for the financial and ideal support of pregnant women in conflict situations and their families – even after the birth of their child – and of women after abortion.

Help with the necessary move, with the renovation of the apartment, assistance with visits to the authorities and doctors are often just as much a part of the necessary support as empathetic conversations, babysitting services or domestic help.

The Sign of Light covers areas that the social services' administrators cannot necessarily provide in times of overload, due to savings and specifications.

The Lichtzeichen House in Schoenstatt is...

Contact point in all matters

Reception and distribution center for clothes, buggies and everything mothers need for babies and toddlers

Home for pregnant women, mothers and children

A place of collection and initiative for all those involved in the association

The Stork's Nest

A weekly gathering of accompanied women

is a successful educational program for mothers

offers opportunities for the best possible upbringing of the child

makes it possible to grow healthy relationships

Behind it stands

the volunteer work of more than 20 staff members

numerous donations and projects for a solid financial basis

Friends who generously promote Lichtzeichen

a prayer initiative that supports very concrete concerns

The main focus is on strengthening the mothers’ self-esteem and strengthening the mother-child relationship. The association encourages the young women in their very personal life challenges. No area is excluded – in the spirit of Father Joseph Kentenich. On September 9, 2004, Pope John Paul II presented his commitment to the Sign of Light. In his address to the members of the international Schoenstatt Movement, he encouraged all people to commit themselves to life:

"In this way I would like to encourage you in your commitment... This also includes a concrete commitment to life, especially in the dangers and threat of a culture of death that is spreading and is evident in a terrible way in ways such as abortion. Here all believers are called to set 'signs of light', which the world always needs"
Pope John Paul II

Contact Info "Signs of Light"


Höhrer Str. 93, 56179, Vallendar


02 61 / 9 83 03 30
