Josef Kentenich School in Kempten

Josef Kentenich School in Kempten, Germany
The primary school in Kempten consists of four classes with about 70 pupils (max. 80 pupils are accepted, 20 per class) and is state-recognised. The Josef-Kentenich School is a private Catholic school in which Kentenich pedagogy is applied. The educational work benefits from beautiful, well-equipped classrooms and modern teaching methods, such as silent free work and lifelike, interdisciplinary teaching. In this way, the employees comply with the state “LehrplanPLUS” (curriculumPLUS).
The children should experience appreciation, acquire comprehensive knowledge, develop their talents and mature into self-confident personalities. The teachers take each child and its character seriously, accompany it, guide it, promote and challenge it for the benefit of its best possible development. This creates a valuable basis for their further education.
The school was founded by Harald M. Knes (Schoenstatt Institute of the Brothers of Mary) Luitgard and Bernhard Hyneck as well as Renate and Christian Immler (Schoenstatt Family Federation) together with experienced pedagogues, families and committed entrepreneurs who shared a great dream:
▪ rethinking the school system
▪ create a school form, which is there for the individual child and whose optimal development puts into the focus
▪ to offer a place where people learn for life and children become strong and able to live
▪ design a school that is integrated into the Bavarian school system and nevertheless breaks new ground

Many hurdles had to be overcome before the school could start operating in 2012. Today, the school is working with parents to win the “Environmental School in Europe – International Sustainability School” award. Workshops have also been set up in which parents, teachers and members of the school association work together to develop the school. The school’s new homepage has the motto “Education is more”.
The doors of the school are open to visitors. The Josef Kentenich School is pleased about Interns and teachers from the Schoenstatt Movement who would like to work at the school for a shorter or longer period of time.
Further information