Men’s Rosary

Men's Rosary
The Men’s Rosary “Mother and Queen” is an apostolate that began in Brazil in 1997 and every week brings together a large number of men to pray the rosary. They meet in small and large groups that are represented in numerous congregations throughout the country. Data from the National Secretariat show that more than 1 million members are part of the Mother and Queen Men’s Rosary in Brazil.
The aim of this apostolate is to bring people together to pray the Rosary for the sanctification of the family; to be also an instrument of personal evangelization, i.e. from person to person; and to serve the local Church together with the other ministries and pastoral activities of the parishes.
Statistics and testimonies show that many families have changed because there is renewal in their homes. Many people have returned to the life of the Church and have accepted anew being committed Christians. Many have distanced themselves from addictions such as alcohol and drugs and have become protagonists in the life of the Church.

How did this happen?
A small group of men prayed the rosary on the street while their wives participated in meetings of the Rosary Campaign: This was the sign of Divine Providence for the beginning of everything. This group had no continuity, but it inspired the beginning of the Men’s Rosary in Brazil.
It was the first seed of the Men’s Rosary of the Mother and Queen at the parish level, in the parish of Jaboatão of Guarapes in the state of Pernambuco. Father José Pontes of the Secular Institute of the Schoenstatt Fathers, who heard about this initiative, decided to try it out in the Shrine of New Evangelization in the diocese of Olinda-Recife/PE and the Rosary began its great development by integrating itself into the activities of the Shrine and thus increasing its fruitfulness and the strength of the Schoenstatt charism.
This initiative conquered masses of people, radiated its graces in an unprecedented way, filled the churches and chapels with men, and reached a large of members who meet weekly to pray the Rosary and learn to live the mysteries of the Rosary in everyday life.
The most important thing is that the person in The Men’s Rosary of our Mother and Queen learns to develop a masculine way of relating to God.