Glory to the Lord who always comes to meet us

Schoenstatt International

Rangel Limón Family – San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

Glory to the Lord

For us Christmas means a time of Joy, of Hope for the coming of the Child Jesus who brings Peace to the whole World. This Bethlehem has accompanied us for 54 years of our family life and has been our model.

González Espinosa Family – Querétaro, México

Glory to the Lord

For us, this Christmas is meant to be a time of family warmth, unity, love, joy and feeling the spirit of the birth of the child God in our hearts. As a family, we sing and lull the baby God to sleep in his manger. Along with all our intentions and with that light that radiates from his smile, we can hope for better times to come.

Rojas Family – San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Glory to the Lord

Good morning. Happy Holidays!

We are responding to the invitation we received to send our Nativity Scene to participate in your magazine.

We share with you in a few lines our Christmas experience during this 2022.

“This Christmas is full of blessings, because of the growth of the family, starting with the youngest, who transmits to us that astonishment in simplicity, up to the eldest, doing their tasks, each one living their own Personal Ideal. These are moments that fill our hearts with joy. And in this way, they contributed towards our spiritual readiness to receive the baby Jesus this Christmas 2022”.

Flores Zamora Family – San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Gloria al Señor

Decorating the home to receive Jesus, is part of the preparations of the heart, because God is letting himself be seen in things as simple as clay figurines full of color.

This Christmas, while making the Nativity Scene, we were able to reflect on how humbly and joyfully God asks us to walk through the world.

Contreras Nuñez Family – Querétaro, Mexico

Christmas for us is the fulfillment of God’s promise when we renew love, tenderness, faith and hope with the birth of the Baby Jesus.

 Lascano Torres Family – San Luis Potosí, México

Our Christmas is a family Christmas.

We begin with Advent, every Sunday we light the corresponding candle of our Advent Wreath. And we try to make 1 posada with the extended family, with Christmas carols, prayer, games and/or breaking the piñata and dinner with punch or atole and tamales.

Christmas Eve begins with the Eucharist in the Shrine.

Back home dinner is ready with cod, turkey and seasoned pork shank, as well as Christmas salad (apple and pineapple), mashed yams or potatoes and pasta.

Before dinner, we also have a prayer in which all the guests participate.

In the prayer there are all the Christmas symbols, the Child God, who is the one being celebrated and also a candle for each one.

Everyone receives a lighted candle, the Light of the world, the Child God, born in our heart who wants to illuminate our life.

Everyone receives a gift from the Child God, in a Christmas symbol, but different for each one; this represents God’s desire for each one for the year that begins, and at the same time an invitation to live a special attitude during the year.

And then, each person places the lighted candle in the Home Shrine, placing the Child God in the crib with Joseph and Mary, and with those candles, each one gives the Child God a commitment, a capital of grace offered during the year.

And this year, we have loaned the 3 baby Jesus figurines we had, one for each family that accompanied us this Christmas, so that they can take it home and have it accompany them this year.

Diana and Beatrice Lechuga  – Victoria,Texas USA

What Christmas 2022 means to us!

Christmas is a very special time for us as a family.  First and foremost, it is a time to reflect on the Birth of Jesus Christ. His arrival is a time when we fill our home with joy by gathering with our loved ones to create many memories and spread Christmas cheer. It is about sharing time and traditions with family and friends and giving our hearts to Jesus!

Ramirez Sosa Family – Pennsylvania USA

“Our original plan for Christmas was centered on going to Mass on the 25th, but the extreme weather we experienced in Pennsylvania over the weekend changed our plans and we had to stay home. It was not at all what we expected, but the Lord worked wonders in our hearts, we all cooked together, and He brought His Love to us through the Mass on TV and at Spiritual Communion. It was also very nice to visit a widowed neighbor who received us with great joy. During these days we were able to experience God’s presence strongly in the unexpected and in the simple. Glory to the Lord who always comes out to meet us”.

 Franke Family – Germany

Gloria al Señor

For us it was a very special Christmas, because we went with my in-laws and we realized the fragility of life, since they are old and it was nice to see them again.
We spent Christmas Eve with them, we sang to the Child and had dinner as a family.


with your loved ones

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