Living Ecuador’s ideal: Father’s family consecrated on the paten
It has been 9 years since the last priestly ordination. Luis Polit’s consecration is, therefore, a sign of hope and renewal for this Family, and also, a sign of the Blessed Mother’s loyalty to her Covenant of Love and to the ideal given to the Ecuadorian family: Father’s Family consecrated on the paten.
The paten is associated with the priesthood. Only what is offered on the paten can be consecrated. When there is an offering, there is magnanimity. When there is consecration, there is holiness; there is love that God pours out on those he loves and chooses for himself. When there is consecration, there are instruments ready for being sent forth and for mission.
A history of Covenant
Father Luis has had a beautiful love story with the Blessed Mother since he was a child. He has belonged practically throughout his life to the Boys’ Youth. At the age of seven he participated in the Schoenstatt Crusaders, then the Pioneers, and then the University Boys’ Youth. He was the driving force behind various apostolates, such as the university missions; he was a director and leader. In all this trajectory he felt the maternal care and love of the Virgin Mary who bound him to her Shrine and educated him in her Son’s footsteps. This deep merciful love that he always experienced, made him feel that he was God’s favored one, and this predilection turned into gratitude. A heart that has experienced being loved, and at the same time has loved, will always be grateful.
Luis Polit’s priesthood is the consequence of a heart that experienced the beauty of a great love in the Shrine and from the Shrine. His consecration is simply a grateful reply to God. Just as he has been loved and blessed, so he also wants to love and bless all those whom God puts in his path. This is the motivation for speaking of a great hope.
Christ, nourishment and sustenance for all, is his ideal
“Let all take and eat of him” was the motto he chose for his ordination to the priesthood. The pastoral work of the new priest wants to be just that: nourishment and sustenance for all in Christ. It is a great joy to be able to live following Jesus this way. It is a blessing to understand the Covenant of Love this way.
The Covenant has permeated Father Luis’ entire life. This atmosphere was noticeable during the celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Orders that took place in the Cathedral. In a familial atmosphere of deep joy and spiritual richness, we were all embraced by God, sustained in his love.
In difficult times for the Church and the Ecuadorian society, it is good for us to strengthen our sense of Covenant, it is good for us to feel the balm of God’s mercy, it is good for us to be confident of his presence.

Gratitude and offering
Thanks to all those who have been sowers of the Covenant and of the Gospel in Father Luis’ heart along his life journey, especially his mother, Mirella de Polit, a member of the Sion Circle, who constantly prays for vocations and for the Schoenstatt Fathers and is also a member of the Mothers’ League. Her example, along with that of his father, Ricardo Polit, who is already in heaven, were decisive in his ability to discover God’s calling.
All we can do is to be grateful, and like Father Luis, to be faithful to the call, offering everything and consecrating ourselves to the service of love and life; this is what is expected of a child of the Family of the Father consecrated on the Paten: Faithfulness for Faithfulness!