Document of the International Pentecost Congress is now available in its official translations

Heinrich Brehm

The International Pentecost Congress, which took place in Schoenstatt, Vallendar from June 8 to 12, summarized its reflections in a letter: “Inspired by the feast of Pentecost, we ‘gathered with Mary’ (Acts 1:14) to implore the Holy Spirit in this challenging hour of history. After the accusations against Fr. Kentenich and after postponing this Congress twice because of the pandemic, we came together – full of gratitude for the life that God continues to awaken in us.”

The document, which was available and read out in English at the closing Mass of the meeting, and which was signed by the 145 representatives from 30 countries in the Founder’s Chapel, the place of Father Joseph Kentenich’s death, is now available in its official translations.

“In a learning, open and synodal way”

“Despite the great diversity of countries and cultures, the Congress became a clear experience of being on the way together”, writes Father Ludwig Güthlein, Director of the German Schoenstatt Movement, in the July edition of the Covenant Letter. From this experience, the Congress was able to formulate in the letter of the International Schoenstatt Family, the questions which touch Schoenstatt, the world and the Church “in a learning, open and synodal way.”

"Kirche am neuen Zeitenufer" - Bild: Maria Elina, Argentinien (Foto: PressOffice Schönstatt, Brehm)
“Church at the new shore” – Foto: Maria Elina, Argentinia (Foto: PressOffice Schönstatt, Brehm)

“Church on the new shore of time”

With regard to Schoenstatt, Father Güthlein continues to write, a picture emerged during the Congress that expresses the inner spirit of the Congress. Father Kentenich often spoke of the “Church on the new shore of time” and of the processes of change in which the world and the Church find themselves. Until now, he said, this image had been interpreted as looking across the water into the future toward the new shore. “In the congress, the thought came up that everything that moves people today and now already belongs to the new shore of time,” Father Güthlein said. “Our ship is not only moving on the water and through some storms, but we have arrived at the new shore.” For the Schoenstatt Movement, he said, it is now a matter of entering the new land. “The Covenant of Love as the root of our spirituality must prove itself and prove its fruitfulness in the new land, in the current challenges,” said the Schoenstatt Father.



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