“Christ, you are our center”
This was the motto of the feast of Corpus Christi, celebrated on 19 June 2022. Finally, after two years of limitations due to the pandemic, it was possible to celebrate in the usual way.
The organization of the event started much earlier. Many pilgrims signed up in advance. On the eve, during the preparations, the sense of anticipation was strong and the activities were bustling: carpets of flowers were spread, flags raised, altars set up and many other things prepared.

Security in a time of upheaval
On Sunday morning the weather was beautiful, it wasn’t too hot like the day before. Numerous pilgrims from near and far places flocked to the Adoration Church to attend Mass.
“In this stormy age, many of us are restless within,” said the main celebrant, Dr. Bernd Biberger, at the beginning of his homily, capturing a common feeling in many listeners. A few decades earlier, Father Kentenich had pointed out that an old world was collapsing and a new one was about to arise. Faced with this upheaval and uncertainty within the Church and society, we ask ourselves what can sustain and guide us; what could be the center of the new world. The feast of Corpus Christi gives us the answer. With the procession, we remind people that Christ is the king of this world. He wants to be at the center of the life of each of us, of the Church, of society.

Procession on the Mount Schönstatt
After the Holy Mass, Jesus in the sacrament was taken to Mount Schönstatt. The music that accompanied the procession was performed by the choir of the Sisters of Mary of Schönstatt and the Niederwerth 1922 musical association. Numerous priests and altar servers followed the monstrance closely. The children brought an image of the Pilgrim Mother. There were many flags to represent the countries of origin of the people present, but also the global character of the Church and the internationality of Schönstatt.
Current petitions
In the intercessory prayers at the first altar, we prayed for families, especially in view of the first world meeting of families scheduled in Rome from 22 to 26 June 2022. At the second altar the project of the Pilgrim Mother was presented. For 25 years, the thrice Admirable Mother, Queen and Victress of Schönstatt, with her son, has been visiting many people in Germany.
On the way to the third altar, the Ave Maria was recited in different languages and, quoting the words of Pope Francis, the desire for peace in the world was clearly expressed. At the third station the children said some intercessory prayers and scattered flowers for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
The journey to the fourth altar of the Adoration Church was accompanied by the solemn ringing of the bells.
A varied afternoon program
The remainder of the day was spent in various ways: you could admire the flower carpets on the mountain, pray silently in the Church, meditate, go to confession, take part in guided tours or watch one of the films available in Father Kentenich house. There was also the possibility to eat: visitors were welcomed with great warmth in the Pilger House in the Schönstatt Valley and in the Café Plus on Mount Schönstatt. Many happy faces have been seen on this day.
Other testimonies
One couple admitted: “To tell you the truth, we didn’t want to participate because in our town there was bad weather. We thought it was not worth going to Mount Schönstatt because the wind would blow everything away. But then some friends sent us a photo of a flower carpet. It was so beautiful that we decided to leave immediately ”.
A young lady told us: “I am delighted to have returned to Schönstatt after four years. It is so beautiful here, especially today, on this feast of CorpusChristi. In our group, on the bus, a very nice community atmosphere has been created ”.
At the end of the celebration, a child was sitting on the steps of the church and crying. When his father approached him, he said to him: “Dad, I don’t want to go away!”
Just to enjoy:
More pictures: Homepage der Schönstätter Marienschwestern