Annual retreat strengthens missionaries of the Pilgrim Mother Apostolate in Europe

Grazielle Coutinho

Every year a special retreat is organized for Portuguese-speaking missionaries of the Pilgrim Mother Apostolate living in Europe. The objective of this event is to strengthen and revitalize the missionaries, following the example of Deacon John Pozzobon himself, who reflected annually on his personal motto and goals. The gathering is seen as a time to reflect on the past year, as well as an opportunity to renew their commitment to the mission.

Last weekend, March 15th and 16th, the coordinators and missionaries had the pleasure of gathering in the shadow of the Original Shrine in Schoenstatt to rekindle the flame of their mission.

Retreat planning and theme

The retreat, organized by a team of coordinators from different sectors and countries, is planned as a team, taking into account the most relevant topics for the missionaries. This year, the chosen theme, “Missionaries of Hope”, is inspired by the International Meeting to be held in September in Brazil.

For many, the retreat is an extraordinary time of spiritual renewal. The gathering is an opportunity to witness God’s action in people’s hearts and to feel Mary’s company on the missionary journey.

The symbol of the boat

The symbol that has guided this year’s retreat is the boat, inspired by the Holy Year of the Pilgrims of Hope. The boat, with its anchor alluding to Christ’s Cross, represents our hope, while the crew symbolizes the missionaries.

Unity and commitment

The central message of the retreat is unity and commitment among the missionaries. United on this path, exchanging ideas, hearing testimonies from other countries and strengthening each other, they all feel supported and encouraged to continue carrying the Pilgrim Mother and offering their contributions to the Capital of Grace.

The meeting was coordinated by Sister M. Jéssica Dombrovski, adviser to the Pilgrim Mother Apostolate for Portuguese-speaking immigrants.

According to her, the objective of this encounter was to provide a special time of union among the missionaries and, above all, an encounter with Mary and with Jesus. “I believe that it fulfilled and far exceeded that expectation. The missionaries and coordinators are like donkeys at the service of the Blessed Mother. She is the one who really did the work. Without divine intervention, we would not have had so many fruitful experiences and testimonies. Without a doubt, it was a moment of grace”.

We have to take our mother home

Roselene Cordeiro Feld, who lives in Germany, describes the encounter as a special and rewarding moment. “The moving testimonies touched me and gave me the certainty that we must bring the Blessed Virgin into our homes, because the world needs to be transformed. The moments of adoration were particularly moving, I was able to let go of all my emotional tiredness, sadness, fears and doubts. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and was embraced by the Blessed Mother, who said to me: “Trust, because I am with you, don’t worry”.

My heart wanted to stay in the Shrine

José Manuel Alves, who lives in Switzerland, recounts with emotion that on March 15th and 16th he had an unforgettable experience that will remain engraved in his heart.

“When I arrived at the Schoenstatt Shrine, I was overcome with an indescribable feeling. Stepping on that sacred ground was like receiving a warm welcome full of peace. Meeting so many Portuguese people from different parts of the world moved me deeply. I realized how our faith unites us, regardless of distance, forming one big family united by God. Leaving that sacred place was difficult. My heart wanted to remain in that atmosphere of peace and closeness to God. However, I left with a renewed certainty: the path to God undoubtedly passes through Mary.”

The presence of the Holy Spirit touched us all

Testimony of Ana Maria Alves, who lives in Switzerland: “The emotions we experienced were indescribable. They welcomed us warmly and affectionately, like a real family. There was an intense feeling of unity. The experience of being welcomed was wonderful, with all kinds of different emotions. The presence of the Holy Spirit moved us all deeply. This retreat left us feeling many emotions and strengthened our commitment to bring the image of our Blessed Mother to families.”

Missionaries’ retreat: A transforming experience

Natalia Dias, who lives in Luxembourg, explains that the missionaries’ encounter was marked by moments of deep spirituality and personal discoveries.

“In summary, this encounter was an enriching experience that deepened my understanding of what it means to be a missionary. I left the retreat spiritually enriched, with a clearer vision of my role and the importance of listening to and letting myself be guided by Mary. The experience is still very present in me, and I believe that this encounter marked a turning point in my spiritual journey”.

Fernando Machado, who lives in Germany, was very moved when he received the prize in the raffle. For him, the encounter was very profound, the moments of adoration and the Mass were very moving. He left the retreat with a deep desire to help build another Schoenstatt Shrine in Portugal one day.

The new coordinators of this Portuguese-speaking group are the Brazilians Kellyta e Felipe Lima Souza. They will work with missionaries from Germany, Belgium, Holland and Denmark. At the end of the retreat, they shared their testimony:

“As new coordinators, we feel very happy in this role within the Schoenstatt Movement. We will fulfill this mission with much love, because when we reflect on everything that John Pozzobon and the Blessed Virgin Mary did, we feel our smallness, but also a great responsibility to follow in their footsteps and be ‘donkeys’ of the MTA. We will strive to serve our brothers and sisters as best as we can, especially the missionaries and their families, so that they can receive Mary with love. When we lived in Brazil, we were also missionaries. We carry in our hearts all the Brazilian families who do not have the opportunity to be here, in the Original Shrine, extending to them a spiritual visit with much affection.”

To find out more about the work of the Pilgrim Mother Apostolate in Europe, visit our website and visit our Instagram profile.

Retreat of Portuguese-speaking Missionaries of the Pilgrim Mother Apostolate in Europe

Translation: Maribel Acaron


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