This Sunday, March 9, at 7:30 p.m., the Original Schoenstatt Shrine became a JUBILEE HOLY SITE, marking an important milestone for the Jubilee of Hope in 2025. This special gift invites us all to experience hope and spiritual renewal as we experience God’s infinite Mercy and Mary’s transforming power in her Shrine.
Technically, the Shrine is called a “sacred jubilee site”. That is why we can say that it will be “more of a Shrine than ever”. We are invited to go on pilgrimage to receive this year’s graces, to receive indulgences (for ourselves or a deceased loved one) but also to renew ourselves in the experience of the Shrine as a place where we encounter the maternal presence of Mary, who listens to our needs and transforms us, with her love, into images of her Son.
Shortly before his death, Father Kentenich said something that provides us with a special meaning for this Jubilee: “With Mary, joyful in hope, certain of victory as we move forward into the newest of times”. We could say that it is an invitation from the founder to live this year intensely. This phrase reminds us that, even in difficult times, hope, a deep trust in God’s guidance, is a beacon that guides us forward.

Living the Covenant of Love with hope
In the context of the pilgrimage to the Shrine, we are invited to bring our personal intentions, to fulfill the necessary requirements to obtain indulgences, and to offer all that we are to the Capital of Grace at the Shrine. This is an act of surrender to Mary, trusting that she will take our petitions to Jesus, who will grant us the necessary graces.
This year, we want all of us to live and grow in depth in the Covenant of Love, from the perspective of hope, strengthening our spiritual commitment. Every time we arrive as pilgrims to the Shrine we want to ask Mary to transform us into missionaries of Hope, who, living the Covenant of Love day by day, can offer the precious gifts of unity and peace to a world in such need of them.
We can make the pilgrimage in different ways. Some live near Schoenstatt and will have the opportunity to visit many times during the year. Others will take part in pilgrimages from different countries or will come with their families. Those who live far away or are ill can also make the pilgrimage via the Shrine’s webcam and take part in the Eucharists and the different activities which are held there.
Join the broadcasts via the Shrine’s webcam: WEBCAM
Translation: Maribel Acaron