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Apostolic Movement

Schoenstatt Family League

Family is beautiful – and it is exhausting!

Our League

Save the families, whatever the cost!

The Family League is part of the Schoenstatt Family Work. One of its central tasks is to make Schoenstatt present and active in the parishes and dioceses. The couples are inspired by the Holy Family of Nazareth and live in covenant with Mary for the transformation of the world.



The Family League is present in several countries in Europe, America, Africa and Oceania



The first events of the Schoenstatt Family League took place in 1948


Marriage, a path to happiness

Animated by the Schoenstatt spirituality, in the strength of the Covenant of Love, families receive the grace to live as domestic churches, living shrines of Schoenstatt, becoming a solid Christian family, a new Nazareth. In this way, they strive to be truly living cells for the renewal of society and the building of the civilization of love.
In the midst of the world, in daily life, as a couple and as a family, to bear witness that it is possible to be faithful, to be happy in marriage and in family life, and, like Mary, to belong totally to God. This is the most beautiful apostolate that you can carry out and help many families to be happy.
Life's vocation

Marriage is worth it!

As Schoenstatt Family League, we want to pass on the message: Marriage is worth it!
As a couple

There is a treasure in our ever-changing world: people who say yes to each other for life. In the diversity of human life, Christian couples live a relationship with a special characteristic: the sacrament of marriage. God himself can be experienced in the covenant of love.

Happy children

We understand marriage as a community of love, life and destiny in which both partners grow personally and make each other happy. They create a space of love in which children can develop into free and strong personalities. In this sense, the family is the "foundation and crown of society".

Our activities

Marriage strengthening for couples

It is God's desire that people grow in love. The Schoenstatt Family League wants to strengthen couples and families. When they meet in small groups, on retreats or on vacation, they experience this:

Time for couples to be together while their children have their own activities

Fellowship and sharing with other families

Increased competence in marriage and family issues, support and guidance in their faith

Apostolic projects to strengthen other couples and families

New strength from their encounter with God in a special way in the sacrament of marriage.


Our contacts in the world

Need more information?

Our contacts in the world​​

Germany Office for Families

House of the Family, Berg Nazareth, Höhrer Strasse, 115, Zip code 56179, Vallendar, Germany


+49 261 6400612
