Yesterday, Hoerde; today, Garanhuns. 105 years after the Congress of Hoerde, a group of men from the Diocese of Garanhuns (Pernambuco, Brazil) made the commitment to help fulfill Schoenstatt’s apostolic mission for the world. 75 men from various cities prepared and sealed the Covenant of Love with the Blessed Mother in the Tabor Shrine, whose ideal is everyday sanctity.
The preparation was in charge of Izac da Silva Lima and Clivio Eugênio Severiano Torres, who are part of the diocesan coordination of the Mother Queen Men’s Rosary, with the participation of couples from the Family League. After the preparatory meetings, a day of formation was held at the Shrine with the advisor, Fr. Argemiro P. Ferracioli.
Clivio Eugênio says: “In those months there was a lot of dedication, a lot of organization, a lot of commitment. But I am glad that we achieved our goal: the Covenant of Love by several men. There were many meetings and we invited many men to accomplish it”.

The date chosen is significant
The day could not be more significant: August 18, 2024, on the eve of the 105th anniversary of the Hoerde Congress, which was marked by the impulse of pioneer men to assume the Schoenstatt mission. One of the great leaders of the Hoerd Congress, Fritz Ernst, commented: “ Our mission path begins with the apostolate within ourselves to fulfill the words of the Apostle: Fieri volo alter Christus [I want to be another Christ].
The Covenant moment took place after the Holy Mass, presided by Father Argemiro. All the men entered the Shrine to seal the Covenant of Love in the presence of their families. Izac shares the experience: “Now we have 75 new men. Just as Christ was transfigured one day on Mount Tabor, these men also came down from Tabor. I am sure that they have been transfigured and that they are now men who are more convinced of their faith and can indeed embrace the Movement, the cause and carry it on; they also help God’s projects through our Blessed Mother. It was a wonderful day, a very beautiful day”.

A Covenant of Love accessible to all
When we think of the Covenant of Love, one of the most awaited moments is undoubtedly signing one’s name in the Covenant Book and joining all those who form this life chain. For many, this was the most exciting moment. No one was left out of this important milestone. Those who could not sign left their fingerprint, thus demonstrating their commitment of love to the Mother and Queen.
It was a great historic event for the Schoenstatt Movement, the Men’s Rosary and the Tabor Shrine, depicting the sanctity of daily life in Garanhuns.
“I am sure that I will put into practice all that we have lived during this period of preparation. This will go down in my history, I will keep it and pass it on as long as I live”, concludes José Francisco dos Santos Neto.
Official website of the Men’s Rosary –
Translation: Maribel Acaron