Members of the Secular Institutes meet in Schoenstatt

Members of the Schoenstatt Secular Institutes have an annual meeting in Schoenstatt, Germany, in which the participants delve deeper into their common charism and their profile as central communities. This year’s meeting took place at Mount Moriah, the international headquarters of the Institute of Diocesan Priests, from February 23-25. The central topic was the evangelical counsel on poverty, with the special characteristic that Father Kentenich provides with his charism on the organic world. It is rewarding to always discover this imprint of the founder.

Poverty as an opportunity that God can grant us


Poverty as an opportunity? Is someone trying to challenge us with these words? Poverty is usually seen as a “social constrain” that prevents people from getting an education and moving up in society in order to lead a good life. To see poverty as something positive seems to be provoking. Isn’t that downright sarcastic toward poor countries?