Ecuador was the first country in the world to consecrate itself to the “Sacred Heart of Jesus”. In 2024, the year we commemorate the 150th anniversary of its consecration, we have been given the gift of hosting the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress.
Quito, the capital, opened its arms to receive more than 60 delegations from different countries. There were 2000 participants, including bishops, priests, religious and lay people. Everything took place amidst our volcanoes – (Ecuador is one of the countries with the most volcanoes in its territory) – surrounded by a mesmerizing blue sky.
Seven Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary and about 35 representatives from the different branches, cities and countries participated in the Congress. We felt united and accompanied, happy to be a family. We walked “in each other, with each other, for each other”, seeking Jesus in the Eucharist. This experience strengthened our bonds, our identity and our mission.

Fraternity to heal the world
But the most radiant participant was the MTA, who was in a privileged place at the Expo, offering her tender smile and her longing gaze which attracted many young and curious hearts to herself. We believe that the Schoenstatt Pilgrim Mother Apostolate will receive a new impulse to visit and transform homes beyond the gates of our city.
The backbone of this Congress was “Fraternity to heal the world” and, consequently, the first question on the table was: “Where is your brother?” (Gen 4:9).
We began with a reflection on the wounds of humanity which invited us to recognize the profound relationship between the Eucharist and the transformation of a wounded world. We need to renew our faith in order to assume as true Christians the responsibility to respond to the needs of others and to alleviate the social and spiritual wounds we face today.

We have learned a new word
True fraternity arises from the encounter with Jesus through his Word and through the Eucharist. In the Eucharist we are vitally immersed in the mystery of Christ and his Word becomes part of our essence, transforming our existence. In the Eucharist we not only commemorate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but we also heal our wounds by uniting our sufferings to Christ’s offering on the cross. Thus, we transform our pain into an act of redemptive love, a source of salvation for all.
We learned a new word: “Fratenderness”, that is, a fraternity lived in tenderness, in listening and accompanying, giving thanks to God for the existence of the other. A fraternity based on the world of affectivity, which at present is so much in decline, and which Father Joseph Kentenich, our Father and Founder, gave so much importance to through the organism of attachments.
It was emphasized that the Christian family reflects the love of God and that marriage, as a sacrament, is an expression of that love. In the family home, “ the domestic church”, parents have the responsibility to educate in the faith and in values such as tenderness, respect and selfless service, inspiring fraternity, prayer and education in virtues, following the example of Christ and the model of the Holy Family.

Schoenstatt present
It was interesting and motivating to meet so many bishops, priests, consecrated men and women, lay people and youth from different continents and countries. Several of them, when they saw us, said: “Schoenstatt! And they would tell us about those they knew in their cities and parishes who belonged to our Movement. We were happy that a Schoenstatt priest from the Federation, Father Roberto Martinez, from the Dominican Republic, gave a presentation. We were also delighted when, on the night of the music festival, the singer Pablo Martinez mentioned our Father and Founder and sang a song with the words of our prayer “Surja Dios Padre…” (Arise God the Father..,.).
The grand finale was the great procession of almost 2 km that took place in the historic center of Quito. It was a true stream of burning hearts accompanying the Body of Christ in a large monstrance, which made its way through the narrow streets, adorned with large floral carpets representing images of the Eucharist, the Blessed Mother, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, as symbols of gratitude and praise. An auxiliary image, carried by youth from the Boys’ Youth, made Schoenstatt more visible.
The words of the official hymn of this Eucharistic Congress summarize the experience of love lived during the week that had just concluded.
“Fraternity to heal the world, that is what you show us, Lord, from the cross. You gather us around your table and teach us how to love our brothers and sisters.
From Ecuador, for the whole world, we proclaim: Jesus, you are life.”
Translation: Maribel Acaron