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Apostolic Movement

Queen, Model, and Modeler

By: Hugo Barbero

She was born in a small country, a dominated and marginalized country, which was part of the largest empire the world had ever known. She lived in a small village, a few humble houses, an insignificant dot in the vast geography of the empire.

According to the customs of her people and of her time, until the age of twelve, she was considered a child, but at twelve years and one day, she could be promised in marriage. Following that tradition, she was betrothed to a carpenter named Joseph of the tribe of David, who had power over her from that moment on.

Her life plan: to have a family, to have children, to grow old with her husband, to end her days in peace, was disrupted when God intervened in her life.

An unexpected pregnancy.

How to explain the inexplicable? Who would believe the unbelievable? With what arguments would she face the murmuring, the slander, the discredit, and the rain of stones that would place an end to her life as authorized by the Mosaic law?

She was promised that her son would be great, that he would be called the son of the Most High, and that his reign over the house of David would have no end. But no promise was about her, no assurance about her final destiny, and no fortunate future was foreseen for her.

Humanly, she remained alone.

Mary is sustained by faith and trust in the One to whom she believed. Murmurings did not matter, not even the threat of stones. She lived in joyful intimacy with God. The Son nested in her womb by the Father’s will and the Spirit’s work.

She continued to live her simple life.

The Mother of God baked the bread, prepared the food, fetched the water from the spring, washed the clothes and dishes, and lived with God every day. Trivial became sacred in her eyes.

A different Queen

The greatness of the Mother of God and the littleness of that poor and struggling woman united with a common attitude: helpfulness.

The son she carried in her womb would learn from her and Joseph, her husband, that way of life that she described in one sentence: “I am among you as the one who serves.”

She was a model and modeler.

She spent her last years in the company of John, her adopted son. There the disciples of his Son gathered.

One wonders what was so special about John’s house. Perhaps it was the largest and most comfortable, the best located or easily accessible, we do not know. But it was the site of the early Church, which sought to maintain and spread the message of the Son of the Lady.

No one knew him as she did, leading her to something unthinkable for that time: to be a model for a community of men. She was a model and modeler again.

He was an authority without intending to be. Discretion and low profile were his style of leadership, which is why he did not allow the slightest hint of personalism. Accompanied by Mary, she advised the nascent Church in the name of God, not in the name of herself. Again, her image as a model, again, her attitude as a model.

She radiated from her being, a style of leadership that has nothing to do with power, but with authority, with coherence in life.

She left one day; we don’t know when. She did it with the same discretion and silence with which she lived.

She ascended into heaven and was crowned Queen of all creation.

Queen Mary marks for us a style of royalty different from the one we humanly conceive. Her reign is that of unconditional love, of prompt service, of surrender, and of donation.

As Queen, she seeks us as allies to make her present here on Earth. How can we not surrender to her feet?

*Hugo Barbero, Family Federation Argentina



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